Discover The History Of Figure Skating!

Learn all about the fascinating world of figure skating history with Skate Guard Blog. Explore a treasure trove of articles on the history of figure skating, highlighting Olympic Medallists, World and National Champions and dazzling competitions, shows and tours. Written by former skater and judge Ryan Stevens, Skate Guard Blog also offers intriguing insights into the evolution of the sport over the decades. Delve into Stevens' five books for even more riveting stories and information about the history of everyone's favourite winter Olympic sport.

The Proof Is In The Precedent: A 1955 Switcharoo

If you don't share my opinion that the gold medal at the 2002 Winter Olympic Games should not have been shared and should have instead been awarded solely to Jamie Sale and David Pelletier, I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree. Interestingly, what many people may not know is that there is absolutely precedent for something quite similar happening quite some time ago. However, since the results of the competition in question were not on an Olympic or world stage or on live internet streams and network television it is a story that remains largely unknown to many.

In 1955, what was then known as the Federal Republic Of Germany (West Germany) held their National Championships in Krefeld, a city just a few kilometers from the Rhine River more known for its twelfth Century restored Burg Linn Castle then its figure skating involvement. Most of that year's Nationals actually went on without incident and were actually held in Berlin. Marika Kilius and Franz Ningel won their first of three consecutive West German pairs titles together, Rosi Pettinger won her first of two national ladies titles and Hedwig Trauth and Wilhelm Trauth emerged victorious in the ice dance event. Only the men's event was held in Krefeld and only the men's event was bungled up... badly. Manfred Schnelldorfer (who would go on to become Olympic Gold Medallist years later) was awarded his first national title at the age of twelve ahead of Düsseldorf's Tilo Gutzeit and Werner Kronemann. That was that. Both Schnelldorfer and Gutzeit went on to compete at that year's European Championships in Budapest, Hungary, where Gutzeit outranked the twelve year old Schnelldorfer and earned a spot at that year's World Championships in Vienna, Austria. Several months down the road (after the Nationals in Krefeld and both Europeans and Worlds were held), Werner Rittberger (judge, referee and the inventor of the loop jump) acted upon his suspicion that something was amiss in the scoring of the men's event in Krefeld. He recalculated the results of the men's competition and confirmed his suspicions. The results were corrected and Gutzeit and Schnelldorfer physically exchanged their silver and gold medals.

Tilo Gutzeit

It's funny... because you think about what went on in Salt Lake City and most recently, last year at the Sochi Olympics with the ladies competition and you have to remind yourself that the results are no fault of the skaters. I still personally don't think Adelina Sotnikova or Yuna Kim's performances were as gold medal worthy as Carolina Kostner's on that given day if you're talking about the whole package and performance and not all these IJS mathematical spreadsheets... but I digress.

Under both the 6.0 and IJS judging systems the sport has seen plenty of controversial results and we'll be seeing them until 2394 when Evgeni Plushenko and Evan Lysacek's descendants are announcing their comebacks for the upcoming Olympics on the planet something or other. I think the lesson to be learned from this story is that it only takes one person in the position of authority who recognizes that something is wrong to dig a little deeper and enact real, quantitative change when the results don't end up how they are supposed to. Bravo to Werner Rittberger and to Manfred Schnelldorfer and Tilo Gutzeit - West German Champions both. To me, a fair result is a fairytale ending and a city sporting a gorgeous and historic castle with a moat couldn't have proved a more fitting backdrop if it tried.

Definitely food for thought as we head into this week's World Figure Skating Championships in Shanghai, where Ottavio Cinquanta's anonymous judging system is once again sure to cause more controversy. When does it not?

Skate Guard is a blog dedicated to preserving the rich, colourful and fascinating history of figure skating. Over ten years, the blog has featured over a thousand free articles covering all aspects of the sport's history, as well as four compelling in-depth features. To read the latest articles, follow the blog on FacebookTwitterPinterest and YouTube. If you enjoy Skate Guard, please show your support for this archive by ordering a copy of the figure skating reference books "The Almanac of Canadian Figure Skating", "Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps" and "A Bibliography of Figure Skating":

Interview With Marie-France Dubreuil

There's a moment in every skater's career when all of the hard work seems to culminate one magical, perfect performance that literally leaves your jaw on the floor somewhere. Emotion and a connection to the music takes over and you know that you've been witness to something truly special... and timeless. That's how I felt when I watched Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon's silver medal (and free dance winning) free dance at the 2006 World Figure Skating Championships in Calgary, Alberta and how I felt watching so many of their performances throughout their long and accomplished career. With two World medals, five Canadian titles, a Four Continents title, medals at the Grand Prix Final and eleven Grand Prix events to their credit, Dubreuil and Lauzon were top contenders at almost every event they entered for close to a decade. It was a privilege to have chance to talk to Marie-France, now a professional skater, coach, choreographer and mother, about her competitive career, motherhood, coaching and life today in this must read interview. You'll love it, mark my words!:

Q: Your career has just been incredible! Five Canadian titles, two medals at the World Championships, four medals at the Four Continents Championships (including gold in 2007) and wins at Skate Canada, the NHK Trophy and the Bofrost Cup On Ice. Looking back on your competitive career now, what moments stand out as the most special or your proudest memories of them all?

A: There were two moments in my career that made me feel like I really achieved something special. Both happened in Calgary: our first Canadian title and our first medal at Worlds. The Saddledome has been mythical for so many Canadian skaters and it was for us too.

Q: I have to say, I still find myself going back and watching your "Somewhere In Time" free dance. It's just SO beautiful! Where did the concept for this particular program come from and how did it develop to get to the incredibly high level of performance that it was at by the time of the World Championships in 2006? 

A: "Somewhere In Time" was one of my favourite movies when I was younger and the first movie I cried to... probably because of the music. So, as we where looking for music for the 2006 Olympic year, I played that soundtrack for Patrice and he loved it right away. We then decided to ask our friend, famous Canadian choreographer David Wilson, to help us put it together and that's how magic happened. David doesn't normally work with ice dancers so it was sort of a gamble but we joked around thinking that if between the three of us we can't create a masterpiece... then nobody can. And we did!

Q: After such an up and down season with the injury and withdrawal in Torino and the silver medal at Worlds, you returned the following year and really dominated every competition you entered. Did you ever consider staying in until the 2010 Games in Vancouver or was it simply put time to step away?

A: 2005 to 2007 was so high in emotion and our hard work and sacrifices finally paid off during that time period. The only thing missing was an Olympic medal... but at this point I didn't enjoy training as much anymore and felt we accomplished what we wanted to do in our eligible career. Doing the Olympics in our own country would have been an awesome experience but when the heart is not there anymore it's definitely time to step away. Our previous experience taught us that you don't stay just to participate at Olympics, it's the journey there that's important and in that regard we feel that we've done it all.

Q: Not only are you and Patrice skating partners, you're married, you're parents and you coach and choreograph together. Not many people get to have that experience of getting to share their love of skating with the person they love! How do you balance your personal life with your life in the sport?

A: Balance is like happiness. You work at it all your life! I prefer to focus on what makes me joyful and complete. Long ago we decided to do skating at a level very few people reach and we decided to do the same with coaching. We dedicate a lot of time to our job but we are very passionate people and we couldn't do it any other way. When our daughter Billie-Rose showed up in our lives, she became our priority but from the beginning she also became part of our figure skating life. We toured while I was pregnant and at only seven months she was with me on Battle Of The Blades. Right away, she loved the artistry of figure skating. Billie-Rose is not even four and gives us her opinion on music and movements! She's very instinctive and a little artist in the making so I do take her opinion tenderly and seriously.

Q: Speaking of coaching, you've got an incredible roster of students right now including Sara Hurtado and Adrià Díaz, Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron and Elisabeth Paradis and Francois-Xavier Ouellette. What is your philosophy as a coach and how rewarding is it to see your coaching pay off in the results these incredible ice dancers have been getting lately?

A: I learned so much in my career. I was blessed with wonderful coaches and mentors that made us grow not only as skaters but also as people. My goal as a coach is to make my skaters reach their full potential as athletes AND as individuals so they can stand strong on their two feet on and off the ice.

Q: You've done some pretty amazing things as a professional skater including touring with Stars On Ice and appearing on three seasons of Battle Of The Blades where you skated into the top three with your hockey player partners ALL THREE TIMES! This December, you went to Illinois to skate in the Shall We Dance On Ice show with skaters like Davis and White, Anissina and Peizerat, Belbin and Agosto and Sinead and John Kerr. Is touring or competing professionally something you'd do if the opportunity arised or are shows your preference? 

A: I am a natural performer and always will be. My career as a performer is more or less over but once in a while when my agent has an interesting offer that can be worked around my coaching schedule, I do it. Shall We Dance was a great concept and I was thrilled to be a part of this show and to skate one more time with my husband. Patrice and I hadn't performed together in five years so we tried to enjoy ourselves and disconnect from our coaching duties for two days.

Q: If someone was coming to Marie-France Dubreuil's house for a fabulous dinner, what would be on the menu?

A: Champagne and oysters to start followed by maple wild salmon with organic salad and vegetables! Sorbet and berries for dessert or maybe Patrice's famous gluten free brownies.

Q: Who are your three favourite skaters (or ice dance teams) of all time and why?

A: Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov were my absolute favourites. As competitors, they were great. Perfect classical lines and effortless speed but to me as professional skaters they reached a level of artistry and intimacy in their already perfect skating that will probably never be matched. Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean because their skating is smart. Brilliant and intricate with a perfect understanding of the blade movement on the ice. Needless to say, Christopher's work is phenomenal! I would love to borrow his brain during any choreography session. Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir because they are a mix of my two favourite teams. Beautiful lines, great technique, effortless skating and a real connection between them that makes you forget they're on skates. On top of that, they're the nicest people you'll ever meet!

Q: What's one thing most people don't know about you?

A: Music has a lot of influence on my mood and I listen to a wide variety through out the day. Hip hop in the morning to pump me up as I drive to the rink, classical music or jazz when I drive back home to relax and disconnect from coaching and hard rock when I clean the house!

Skate Guard is a blog dedicated to preserving the rich, colourful and fascinating history of figure skating. Over ten years, the blog has featured over a thousand free articles covering all aspects of the sport's history, as well as four compelling in-depth features. To read the latest articles, follow the blog on FacebookTwitterPinterest and YouTube. If you enjoy Skate Guard, please show your support for this archive by ordering a copy of the figure skating reference books "The Almanac of Canadian Figure Skating", "Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps" and "A Bibliography of Figure Skating":

Patinage Poetry: The Language Of The Ice (Part Deux)

How doth I love skating? Let me count the ways... Just prior to the Sochi Olympics, I put together a collection of poetry about skating called Patinage Poetry: The Language Of The Ice. Most of these poems came from Edgar Syers' book "The Poetry Of Skating". The topic of poetry (which I just love) also recurred in Georg Heym: The Skating Prophet. One of my readers from Italy kindly provided me with a translation of  "Invernale" (Wintry) by Guido Gozzano, published for the first time in 1910. The location described in this poem is a skating pond at Parco del Valentino (Valentino Park) in Turin, Italy and my lovely translator noted its "belle époque feel, despite its darker undertones, that remind me a bit of the Regent Park's Skating Tragedy you described on your blog". They also suggested that I do a second edition of "Patinage Poetry". After reading this poem, I was raring for Part Deux. Starting with the translation of Gozzano's poem, here's another collection of skating related poetry that you're going to just love:


il ghiaccio rabescò, stridula e viva.
«A riva!» Ognuno guadagnò la riva
disertando la crosta malsicura.
«A riva! A riva!...» Un soffio di paura
disperse la brigata fuggitiva.

«Resta!» Ella chiuse il mio braccio conserto,
le sue dita intrecciò, vivi legami,
alle mie dita. «Resta, se tu m'ami!»
E sullo specchio subdolo e deserto
soli restammo, in largo volo aperto,
ebbri d'immensità, sordi ai richiami.

Fatto lieve così come uno spetro,
senza passato più, senza ricordo,
m'abbandonai con lei, nel folle accordo,
di larghe rote disegnando il vetro.
Dall'orlo il ghiaccio fece cricch, più tetro...
dall'orlo il ghiaccio fece cricch, più sordo...

Rabbrividii così, come chi ascolti
lo stridulo sogghigno della Morte,
e mi chinai, con le pupille assorte,
e trasparire vidi i nostri volti
già risupini lividi sepolti...
Dall'orlo il ghiaccio fece cricch, più forte...

Oh! Come, come, a quelle dita avvinto,
rimpiansi il mondo e la mia dolce vita!
O voce imperiosa dell'istinto!
O voluttà di vivere infinita!
Le dita liberai da quelle dita,
e guadagnai la ripa, ansante, vinto...

Ella solo restò, sorda al suo nome,
rotando a lungo, nel suo regno solo.
Le piacque, alfine, ritoccare il suolo;
e ridendo approdò, sfatta le chiome,
e bella ardita palpitante come
la procellaria che raccoglie il volo.

Non curante l'affanno e le riprese
dello stuolo gaietto femminile,
mi cercò, mi raggiunse tra le file
degli amici con ridere cortese:
«Signor mio caro grazie!» E mi protese
la mano breve, sibilando: «Vile!».


the rift, harsh and vital,
arabesqued the ice.
"Ashore!" Everybody reached the shore
fleeing the unsound crust.
"Ashore! Ashore!..." A blast of fear
dispersed the fugitive brigade.

"Stay!" She clutched my arm,
she entwined her fingers, vital ties,
to my fingers. "Stay, if you love me!"
And on that slippery, deserted mirror
we stayed alone, in a wide free flight,
elated with infinity, deaf to their calls.

As light as a ghost,
with no past or memory,
I abandoned myself with her, in foolish harmony,
as we drew big circles on the glass.
From the edge the ice creaked – gloomier...
from the edge the ice creaked – more muffled...

I shivered as if I were listening to
Death's shrill grin,
and I bent with pensive eyes,
and I saw our faces showing through,
already supine,livid, buried...
From the edge the ice creaked – louder...

Oh! How, clutched at those fingers,
how I missed the world and my sweet life!
Oh, imperious voice of my instinct!
Oh, infinite joy of living!
I freed my fingers from those fingers,
and I reached the shore, gasping, defeated...

She stayed alone, deaf to her name,
turning at length in her lonely kingdom.
Eventually, she felt like coming back to earth:
she landed, laughing, her hair undone,
beautiful, brave, palpitating, as
a storm petrel folding its wings.

Indifferent to the worry and the rebukes
of the colourful feminine crowd,
she pursued me, she reached me
among my friends, smiling graciously:
"My dear sir, thank you!" And she shook
my hand briefly, sibilating: "Coward!"


The skater lightly laughs and glides,
Unknowing that, beneath the ice
Whereon he carves his fair device,
A stiflened corpse in silence slides.

It glareth upward at his play;
Its rigid, ashy fingers steal
Beneath his gaily flying heel;
It floats along and floats away.

He has not seen its horror pass;
His heart is blithe; the village hears
His distant laughter; he careers
In festive waltz athwart the glass.

We are the skaters, we who skim
The glare of life's enchanted flood,
And drive with gladness in the blood
A daring dance from brim to brim.

Our feet are swift, our faces burn,
Our hopes aspire like soaring birds;
The world takes courage from our words
And sees the golden time return.

But ever near us, silent, cold,
Are those who bounded from the bank
With eager hearts, like us, and sank
Because their feet were overbold.

They sank through breathing-holes of vice,
Through luring sheens of unbelief;
They know not their despair and grief;
Their hearts and minds are turned to ice.


My legs are shaking as I step 
Onto a frozen lake
In skates that are not my own.

He grabs my hands
and whirls me in a wide circle
I scream and beg for him to stop.

He leaves me for a while
to wobble slowly
on my own.

Then he returns with a shopping cart
And dumps me in it
To push me across the lake

At an alarming rate.

With tears in my eyes
I beg him to stop.

I know I am being jettisoned
Towards my death.


She wears the shortest skirts,
And shows the whitest frilling;
She looks, as Queen of Flirts,
Miraculously killing!
She'll skim the thinnest ice,
As light as Queen Camilla;
She looks supremely nice—
My little pet Chinchilla!

Oh, should the gracious fates
But deign to be propitious,
I strap her fairy skates
On furry boots delicious;
Her willing hand I take,
In spite of Aunt Priscilla,
Then speed I o'er the lake
With little love Chinchilla!

The sleekest otter cuffs,
The rosiest of real skin,
The sablle-est of muffs,
The softest gloves of seal-skin,
The quaintest hose with "clocks,"
A "cloud" like a mantilla,
The velvetest of frocks—
Wears little sweet Chinchilla!

The warmth of her regard
I take as sort of token;
Although 'tis freezing hard.
Our social ice is broken!
Coquettish in her furs,
She minds not my Manilla;
Ah! what a glance is hers,
My little dear Chinchilla!

She'll figure, glide, and twirl,
And worry the officials;
She'll cut out ev'ry girl
As easy as initials!
Oh, I could skate for miles,
Or dance a seguidilla,
Cheered by the sunny smiles
Of little smart Chinchilla!

Had I enough a year
To find my sweet in sable;
To wrap my dainty dear
In ermine were I able;
Had I a longer purse,
A neat suburban villa—
For better or for worse

I'd take my pet Chinchilla!


My glad feet shod with the glittering steel
I was the god of the wingèd heel.

The hills in the far white sky were lost;
The world lay still in the wide white frost;

And the woods hung hushed in their long white dream
By the ghostly, glimmering, ice-blue stream.

Here was a pathway, smooth like glass,
Where I and the wandering wind might pass

To the far-off palaces, drifted deep,
Where Winter's retinue rests in sleep.

I followed the lure, I fled like a bird,
Till the startled hollows awoke and heard

A spinning whisper, a sibilant twang,
As the stroke of the steel on the tense ice rang;

And the wandering wind was left behind
As faster, faster I followed my mind;

Till the blood sang high in my eager brain,
And the joy of my flight was almost pain.

The I stayed the rush of my eager speed
And silently went as a drifting seed, --

Slowly, furtively, till my eyes
Grew big with the awe of a dim surmise,

And the hair of my neck began to creep
At hearing the wilderness talk in sleep.

Shapes in the fir-gloom drifted near.
In the deep of my heart I heard my fear.

And I turned and fled, like a soul pursued,
From the white, inviolate solitude.


It is midnight in the ice rink
And all is cool and still.
Darkness seems to hold its breath
Nothing moves, until

Out of the kitchen, one by one,
The cutlery comes creeping,
Quiet as mice to the brink of the ice
While all the world is sleeping.

Then suddenly, a serving-spoon
Switches on the light,
And the silver swoops upon the ice
Screaming with delight.

The knives are high-speed skaters
Round and round they race,
Blades hissing, sissing,
Whizzing at a dizzy pace.

Forks twirl like dancers
Pirouetting on the spot.
Teaspoons (who take no chances)
Hold hands and giggle a lot.

All night long the fun goes on
Until the sun, their friend,
Gives the warning signal
That all good things must end.

So they slink back to the darkness
of the kitchen cutlery-drawer
And steel themselves to wait
Until it's time to skate once more.

At eight the canteen ladies
Breeze in as good as gold
To lay the tables and wonder
Why the cutlery is so cold.


A great wind lifted these cardboard panels
Horizontal in the air. At once the perspective with the horse
Disappeared in a bigarrure of squiggly lines. The image with the crocodile in it became no longer apparent.
Thus a great wind cleanses, as a new ruler
Edits new laws, sweeping the very breath of the streets
Into posterior trash. The films have changed-
The great titles on the scalloped awning have turned dry and blight-colored.
No wind that does not penetrate a man's house, into the very bowels of the furnace,
Scratching in dust a name on the mirror-say, and what about letters,
The dried grasses, fruits of the winter-gosh! Everything is trash!
The wind points to the advantages of decay
At the same time as removing them far from the sight of men.
The regent of the winds, Aeolus, is a symbol for all earthly potentates
Since holding this sickening, festering process by which we are cleansed
Of afterthought.
A girl slowly descended the line of steps.

The wind and treason are partners, turning secrets over to the military police.

Lengthening arches. The intensity of minor acts. As skaters elaborate their distances,
Taking a separate line to its end. Returning to the mass, they join each other
Blotted in an incredible mess of dark colors, and again reappearing to take the theme
Some little distance, like fishing boats developing from the land different parabolas,
Taking the exquisite theme far, into farness, to Land's End, to the ends of the earth!

But the livery of the year, the changing air
Bring each to fulfillment. Leaving phrases unfinished,
Gestures half-sketched against woodsmoke. The abundant sap
Oozes in girls' throats, the sticky words, half-uttered, unwished for,
A blanket disbelief, quickly supplanted by idle questions that fade in turn.
Slowly the mood turns to look at itself as some urchin
Forgotten by the roadside. New schemes are got up, new taxes,
Earthworks. And the hours becomes light again.
Girls wake up in it.

It is best to remain indoors. Because there is error
In so much precision. As flames are fanned, wishful thinking arises
Bearing its own prophets, its pointed ignoring. And just as a desire
Settles down at the end of a long spring day, over heather and watered shoot and dried rush field,
So error is plaited into desires not yet born.

Time for a note about John Ashbery's "The Skaters"! I chose this particular excerpt for its lush imagery. "The Skaters" is actually a seven hundred and thirty nine line poem written over the course of two years by Ashbery so for brevity's sake I didn't dream of including the poem in its entirety. There was another poem that I actually had in the back of my head when I was compiling the first collection of Patinage Poetry that I chose not to include here but to devote an entire other blog to, because I really wanted to break down and talk about it. So, poetry fans - we're not done yet! That one will be coming soon. If poetry isn't really usually your thing, I hope this little collection might have changed your mind a little.

Skate Guard is a blog dedicated to preserving the rich, colourful and fascinating history of figure skating. Over ten years, the blog has featured over a thousand free articles covering all aspects of the sport's history, as well as four compelling in-depth features. To read the latest articles, follow the blog on FacebookTwitterPinterest and YouTube. If you enjoy Skate Guard, please show your support for this archive by ordering a copy of the figure skating reference books "The Almanac of Canadian Figure Skating", "Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps" and "A Bibliography of Figure Skating":

Karl Schäfer: Vienna's Golden Boy

Photo courtesy United Archives

Hailing from Vienna, Austria, Karl Schäfer remains to this day one of the most accomplished male athletes figure skating has ever seen. Along with Gillis Grafström and Dick Button, he is one of only three skaters to win an Olympic men's title more than once (not counting Evgeni Plushenko who won an Olympic men's and team gold medal). He won a whopping seven consecutive World titles from 1930 to 1936 and eight consecutive European titles from 1929 to 1936. However, the story of Karl Schäfer is so much more than trophies and medals and through a little research, I'm excited to be able to share a bit more of that story with you than you might have previously known.

Photos courtesy German Federal Archive, Bildarchiv Austria

Karl Schäfer was born on May 17, 1909 and like most who make it to the top took up skating at a young age. He was discovered by coach Rudolf Kutzer at eleven years of age and trained at the Eduard Engelmann Sr.'s rink in Hernals and Wiener Eislaufverein in Vienna.

Although Karl was well known as a master of the school figures, he was quite an athlete for the time and as early as 1925 in his mid-teens was practicing double loops and double Lutzes at events, long before anyone had officially landed either in competition. He was an unconventional competitor in that while most skaters of the era designed their programs without music and asked an on-site orchestra to play a waltz or a ten-step as a simple backdrop to the steps, spins and jumps in their free skating routine, he created actual choreography on the fly that properly interpreted the music played. He was in this way seemingly much like master improviser Gary Beacom. In his book "Figure Skating's Greatest Stars", Steve Milton shared U.S. judge Joel Liberman's impression of Karl's free skating: "Schäfer says he has no real program. He introduces elements from his vast pool of them, as the music allows. His rather casual program depends upon execution and surprise more than pattern. Every move with Schäfer must be a novelty." Among his trademarks were his Axel, spread eagle and sit spin.

Not only a strong skater, Karl found success as a swimmer, winning the Austrian breaststroke title seven times. At the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam, he competed in the two hundred meter breaststroke. After qualifying from the first heat with a time of 2:56.6, he was unfortunately eliminated in the second semi-final of the event. He and Eduard Engelmann Jr. also won three Austrian titles in motorboating (Peter Griffin laugh) in the 750 cm3 class.

Top: Karl Schäfer and EWASK swimmer Herr Jahn. Photo courtesy Bildarchiv Austria.. Bottom: Karl playing table tennis with Cecilia Colledge in Lugano.

Karl was also a very talented musician as well. He played both the saxophone and violin and later in life had his very own dance band. One might say that his understanding of music while playing it contributed to his ability to so expertly improvise to and interpret it. The versatile Austrian also excelled as tennis.

Karl's career wasn't without controversy, and the biggest one was through absolutely no fault of his own. At the 1930 European Championships, the referee and Yugoslavian judge both were not certified by the ISU. This fact wasn't discovered until after the competition. Czechoslovakian Jozef Sliva (who had never placed higher than fourth at an international competition) won, defeating Karl, and the ISU ended up ordering the competition to be reskated a month later in Berlin. Karl won; Sliva did not attend. Gotta love judging funny business. It's been around since the beginning and still goes on...

Okay, back! Just had to get a quick hug from Alla Shekhovtsova. We'll carry on with Karl Schäfer!

Photo courtesy Bildarchiv Austria

After defeating a who's who of skating during that era to win his seven World titles and two Olympic gold medals including three time and reigning Olympic men's champion Gillis Grafström at the 1932 Games, Karl retired from competition in 1936. He married fellow skater Christine Engelmann and skated professionally in U.S. club carnivals, on Crystal Lake in West Orange, New Jersey and on his Gay Blades tour with 1932 Olympic Bronze Medallist Maribel Vinson (where she met her future husband Guy Owen).

Left: Karl Schäfer and his wife Christine Engelmann. Photo courtesy National Archives of Poland. Right: Karl Schäfer and a group of young German skaters prior to World War II. Photo courtesy United Archives.

In 1938, he returned to Vienna and opened a sports store. He also worked with skating coach Herta Wachter and formed the Karl-Schäfer-Eisrevue, which was a forerunner to the popular Vienna Ice Revue. In 1943, Karl and Olly Holzmann starred in the film "Der weiße Traum" (The White Dream), which was produced on Engelmann's ice rink.

Photos courtesy United Archives

By the end of World War II, Eduard Engelmann Sr. had passed away and the rink had been damaged badly by bombings. Karl worked with the family both physically and financially to help rebuild it. He stayed and taught skating at the rink for ten years before moving to the U.S. to teach skaters there until 1962. He then returned to his beloved Vienna where he lived and taught skating until his death on April 23, 1976 at the age of only sixty six. He was buried in the Hernalser cemetery in Vienna in the Engelmann family tomb.

Karl Schäfer, Sepp and Josef Staudinger. Photo courtesy Bildarchiv Austria.

According to Siegfried Neuhold, "Schäfer received the large gold medal for services to the Republic of Austria and the large golden Medal of the Province of Vienna. In the foyer, the stairway to the ice skating rink in the Syring 6-8 in 1988 unveiled a plaque commemorating Karl. A street in Vienna was named after him." Within the figure skating community, he was remembered with the annual Karl Schäfer Memorial competition, which was held annually from 1974 to 2008. Winners over the years included fantastic skaters like Brian Orser, Nancy Kerrigan, Lu Chen, Carolina Kostner, Tatiana Volosozhar, Margarita Drobiazko and Povilas Vanagas, Laetitia Hubert, Rudy Galindo, Nicole Bobek, Michael Chack, Kyoko Ina and Jason Dungjen, Tomáš Verner, Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin and Krisztina Czako, In 1997 and 2005 the event served as an Olympic qualifying competition for countries who had not previously qualified spots for skaters through the World Championships process.

Karl Schäfer presenting a young skater to Prince Bernhard at the Wiener Stadthalle in 1962. Photo courtesy Dutch National Archives. 

Karl  not only made it through seven years on the top undefeated with the exception of that hullabaloo in 1930, but also went on to do a really good thing for skating. He personally helped rebuild the rink that he trained on after World War II, which provided a training space for a whole new generation of talented skaters in his country to succeed and carry on where he'd finished... and Austrian skaters did continue to succeed! I also love that he shared his knowledge in the U.S. as well. We owe a lot of gratitude for this man's contributions to skating.

Skate Guard is a blog dedicated to preserving the rich, colourful and fascinating history of figure skating. Over ten years, the blog has featured over a thousand free articles covering all aspects of the sport's history, as well as four compelling in-depth features. To read the latest articles, follow the blog on FacebookTwitterPinterest and YouTube. If you enjoy Skate Guard, please show your support for this archive by ordering a copy of the figure skating reference books "The Almanac of Canadian Figure Skating", "Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps" and "A Bibliography of Figure Skating":

Interview With Amélie Lacoste

Canadian Champion Amélie Lacoste not only accumulated 6.0 medals on the novice, junior and senior levels at the Canadian Championships and 6.0 top ten finishes at the Four Continents Championships during the course of her career which spanned more than a decade, but she mesmerized audiences with her passion and athleticism in every performance. Turning to professional skating last year, she is currently taking the high seas by storm performing aboard cruise ships! By way of the sunny Caribbean, Amélie took the time to talk to me about her competitive career including her favourite memories, the disappointment of missing the Sochi Olympic team by one spot, her decision to train in Colorado Springs during her final season competing, her present life as a professional skater and future goals. You are NOT going to want to miss this one!:

Q: You've had some wonderful successes in your career! For starters, Canadian titles on the novice, junior AND senior levels. You've also made trips to the World Junior Championships, Four Continents Championships and World Championships and won the bronze medal at Skate Canada International in 2010. Reflecting on your competitive career, what moments or memories will always stand out to you as the most special?

A: Of course, winning the National Championships was a dream come true and the goal of the season. I always had big goals and worked extra hard to achieve them. Getting my ticket for the World Championships in Nice and the chance to compete in the team event for the World Team Trophy in Japan were two amazing experiences. I will never forget theses great moments. Also, not to forget my clean short program at Skate Canada 2013 and at the last Nationals. I was able to do exactly what I was doing the past few months in practice in Colorado Springs. It was an incredible feeling.

Q: Last season, you moved to Colorado Springs to work with Damon Allen and Christy Krall. Why did you decide to make this change and what did you take from the experience?

A: My training wasn't going like I wanted. I wasn't in a good place emotionally and in my head. I knew I needed a change. After talking to my sports psychologist and my Mom, I decided I needed to move to a different training center. It wasn't easy. I knew I only had couple of months before Nationals and it was a risk. I trusted my gut and followed my heart. My family was behind me all the way. I had two option in my head, and I finally decided to go to Colorado Springs to work with Christy Krall and Damon Allen. I had to chance to work with Christy two or three times before. She came to Montreal to give seminars and I really enjoyed the way she was coaching and her approach and philosophy. It was always been a dream to go train in Colorado Springs. I knew there were some of the best coaches in the world and training in altitude was also going to help me with my skating.
It was an incredible experience. Every single day I was thankful of the change I made. I had to chance to train with many skaters with a goal that was the same as mine: a place on the Olympic Team. Christy and Damon helped me to trust my skills when it comes to competition. They also helped me to stay calm in a stressful situation. They taught me to skate with my heart and enjoy every moment.

Q: You announced your decision to retire from competitive skating in May of last year and have since starting skating professionally on a cruise ship! What has the transition from "amateur" to professional skating been like for you and what's next in your journey?

A: It's been an amazing experience so far. I really enjoy travelling in Europe (Spain, Italy and France). I had to chance to visit many places and eat the best pizza and drink the best espresso! Now we are in the Caribbean until the end of my contract. I enjoy it a lot. I plan to do an other contract after this one. I also want to start my university eventually and continue my coaching back home.

Q: I can only imagine how heartbreaking it must have been to narrowly miss spots on the Vancouver and Sochi Olympic teams after working so hard and achieving so much in your career. Were the Olympics the 'be all, end all' for you or was it more about the whole experience for you?

A: I'm not sure if I understand 'be all, end all" but the Olympics were obviously the ultimate goal. Not making the team was heartbreaking. Although, I had to keep my head up knowing I did everything in my power to achieve my goal. I took the risk to change coaches and training center just couple months before Nationals, I trained six days a week for about twenty five hours on ice and off-ice. I did everything. The day of my long program was just not my day. Of course I was nervous, but I knew I was able to control my nerves. Christy and I worked a lot of that aspect during training.
I believe, one day, I will go to the Olympics... maybe not as a skater, but maybe as a coach or team leader.

Q: Of all of the programs you've skated in your career, what was your favourite to perform?

A: It's a very difficult question. I have more than just one favourite program. I loved my "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" choreographed by Julie Marcotte. It was very special for me because I won Nationals with it. My last programs, the Peter Gabriel short and Amelie Poulin long were a "coup de coeur" for me. I loved to train them and perform them.

Q: Shae-Lynn Bourne, Jeffrey Buttle, Pasquale Camerlengo and of course Christy Krall who we talked about earlier... you've worked with a who's who of great choreographers. Is choreography ever something you'd want to get involved with yourself?

A: I am so thankful I had the chance to work with so many great choreographers in my career. I choreographed my first junior long program last June for a skater from Switzerland. It was a great experience and a lot of fun and I would like to choreograph other programs in the near future.

Q: What albums could you listen to on repeat every day?

A: Beyoncé's new album from 2013 and Jason Mraz's acoustic album.

Q; Who are your three favourite skaters of all time and why?

A: Joannie Rochette. She's a role model for me and she's a fantastic friend. She's very humble and she had every quality (the whole package) of the best skaters in the world. Sasha Cohen. Her flexibility, her spins and attitude on the ice were great. She was a very fierce skater. Michelle Kwan. Flexibility, her strong jumps, her attitude and determination on the ice. Like Sasha, she was a queen on the ice. I never got the chance to meet her. One day maybe.

Q: What's one thing most people don't know about you?

A: I'm a vegetarian, I love hot yoga and I love baking.

Q: What do you love more than anything about figure skating?

A: I love the feeling of being free on the ice. Clean edges, footwork... I actually miss training a lot. Being able to do my jumps on a big Olympic size ice rink. Also, when the season starts, I love watching the new programs and who's got the new tricks.

Skate Guard is a blog dedicated to preserving the rich, colourful and fascinating history of figure skating. Over ten years, the blog has featured over a thousand free articles covering all aspects of the sport's history, as well as four compelling in-depth features. To read the latest articles, follow the blog on FacebookTwitterPinterest and YouTube. If you enjoy Skate Guard, please show your support for this archive by ordering a copy of figure skating reference books "The Almanac of Canadian Figure Skating", "Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps" and "A Bibliography of Figure Skating":

The Other World Champions, Part 3

Going back a bit, I wrote a series of articles called "The Other Olympic Gold Medallists" (Part 1Part 2 and Part 3) that shared the stories of eighteen men, ladies, pairs teams and ice dancing duos that won Olympic Gold and were lesser known to North American audiences. Their stories highlighted everything from love triangles and judging scandals to criminal convictions, a pop music career and winning an Olympic gold medal while pregnant. Prior to the 2014 World Championships in Saitama, I decided to do the same thing with some of figure skating's "lesser known" World Champions in Part 1 and Part 2 of a new series called "The Other World Champions". Why stop there, right? With the 2015 World Figure Skating Championships in Shanghai, China just around the corner, it's time for a long at more incredible World Champions you may not know:


If many of their rivals at the time were more clinical in their approach to interpreting music, Hungary's Regőczy and Sallay were anything but. Full of vim and vigor, the duo steadily moved their way up the ranks from thirteenth in their first Worlds appearance in 1973 to third in 1978, second in 1979 and first in 1980, where they overtook Natalia Linichuk and Gennadi Karponosov, the Russian duo who had defeated them at the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid. An upset in ice dance? Say it isn't so! The team turned professional after their 1980 upset at Worlds and went on to also win that year's World Professional Championships alongside teammates Robin Cousins, Linda Fratianne and Tai Babilonia and Randy Gardner. They won the 1982 World Pro title as well, skating to "Bolero" before Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean in fact did. Today, Sallay is the managing director of IMG Hungary and Regőczy is the figure skating sports director for the ISU.


At the age of nine in Vienna, Felix Kaspar began his figure skating career. After winning the 1937 European and World titles and the 1938 European title, Kaspar would bravely travel to the heart of Nazi Germany in 1938 (right before the onset of World War II) and take the title. This was no small feat considering he as an Austrian was competing on German soil at a politically charged time and the referee of the panel in the men's event and one of the judges were both German.

Nevertheless, Kaspar was an exceptional jumper and was able to move up from a second place finish in the school figures to win the free skate. To give you an idea about just how impressive Kaspar's jumps were, Maribel Vinson, writing in The New York Times in 1937, said his jumps measured as much as four and a half feet high and nineteen feet long. Shortly after winning his second World title, Kaspar fled the volatile region to safety in Australia where he met his wife. He took up coaching in 1940 and later moved to the U.S., where he coached skaters like Japan's Emi Watanabi and 1963 U.S. Men's Champion Tommy Litz. Kaspar later returned to Europe (even Germany in fact) to perform in shows and opted to retire from coaching in 1989. He moved with his wife June to Florida, where he enjoyed tennis and golf until his death after living with Alzheimer's Disease in 2003.


Perhaps best known for winning the silver medal at the 1928 Winter Olympic Games, Austria's Lilly Scholz and Otto Kaiser actually won five consecutive medals at the World Figure Skating Championships culminating in a gold medal in 1929 in Budapest, Hungary. Then twenty five and twenty seven, Scholz and Kaiser defeated two other Austrian teams as well as teams from Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Germany to win their World title. After winning the 1929 World title, Kaiser retired and Scholz (later Lilly Gaillard) went on to win three more medals at the European Championships with her second partner Willy Petter before retiring from competition in 1933. While Scholz' date of death is unknown, we do know that Kaiser passed away in 1977.


Although she was born in California, Dianne de Leeuw wisely chose to take advantage of her mother's joint citizenship with the Netherlands and in doing so, still stands as the most recent Dutch skater to win a World title. Success came fast and furious for the young skater. After finishing seventeenth and fifteenth on her first two outings at the World Championships in 1972 and 1973, de Leeuw catapulted to third place at the 1974 World Championships and in 1975 in Colorado Springs (despite losing the free skate portion of the event to Dorothy Hamill) wins in both the compulsory figures and short program assured Dianne de Leeuw the World title. The following year, de Leeuw won the European title, the silver medal at the Innsbruck Olympics and a bronze medal at that year's World Championships. Following the 1976 season, de Leeuw turned professional and toured with both Holiday On Ice and Ice Follies, won the World Professional Championships in 1983 and turned to coaching.


Sweden's Gösta Sandahl claimed the European title in 1912 and in his first trip to the World Championships in 1914, he pulled off a major upset in unseating the two time and defending World Champion Fritz Kachler... and the previous year's silver medallist Willy Böckl and bronze medallist Andor Szende to boot... as well his young teammate, as a twenty year old Gillis Grafström.

He was a strong free skater and it was his free skate that won him the title, as he'd placed third in the compulsory figures that year. World War I effectively made those World Championships the last for a while but Sandahl survived the war and came back in an effort to defend his glory at the 1923 World Championships in Vienna, however his efforts were good enough for the bronze medal as his former rivals Kachler and Böckl proved unbeatable on his second and final go at the World title.


A wonderful photo of Maxi and Ernst donated to BIS by Great Britain's first ice dance champion Daphne Walker. Walker and her partner spent a lot of time training with Maxi and Ernst in Celerina, Switzerland. The original photo (scanned and provided by BIS historian Elaine Hooper) is signed in the original ink.
1936 Olympic Gold Medallists Maxi Herber (an artist who often sketched her skating competitors) and Ernst Baier (an architect) won a total of four World Championships together and seemed poised to go for a second Olympic gold had the 1940 Winter Olympics not been cancelled due to World War II, but their exceptional success together as a pairs team is often overshadowed by their tumultuous relationship off the ice.

After their "amateur" career ended in 1940, Herber and Baier married, had three children, owned their own business and toured as professional skaters. In 1963 the couple divorced and Herber was left in such a bad position by the divorce she was forced to depend on social services to even survive. She found assistance as well through the Deutsche Sporthilfe (German Sport help organization) and she moved to Oberau near Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Bavaria. In the interim, Baier had married Swedish professional skater Birgitta Wennström and had a fourth child. Baier and Wennström divorced as well... and incredibly even after all of this, Herber and Baier chose to remarry in 1973. They later divorced a second time. Later in life, Herber suffered from Parkinson's Disease and moved to a retirement home where she took up watercolor painting and even gave an exhibit of her work. Baier passed away in 2001 and Herber in 2006. At the time of Maxi Herber's death, she was the oldest surviving German Olympic Champion.

Skate Guard is a blog dedicated to preserving the rich, colourful and fascinating history of figure skating. Over ten years, the blog has featured over a thousand free articles covering all aspects of the sport's history, as well as four compelling in-depth features. To read the latest articles, follow the blog on FacebookTwitterPinterest and YouTube. If you enjoy Skate Guard, please show your support for this archive by ordering a copy of the figure skating reference books "The Almanac of Canadian Figure Skating", "Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps" and "A Bibliography of Figure Skating":

Nineteenth Century Muslim Figure Skaters: Yes, You Read That Right

The exploration of skating's rich history has taken me down some pretty unexpected 'corridors' but perhaps few as unanticipated as this particular tale. Muslim people ice skating in the nineteenth century? Yes, you read that right.

John Moyer Heathcote's wonderful 1892 book "Skating - Figure Skating" shares the following story so unbelievable I had to read it three times to wrap my pretty little head around it: "On one occasion the sport aroused the enthusiasm of the natives of what is now part of the Chinese Empire. In the winter of 1873-74 and English officer attached to Sir Douglas Forsyth's mission to Yarkand crossed the Himalayas from Cashmere, and spent four months at Kashgar, a town north of Yarkand. A lake four miles in length adjoined his residence, and being the fortunate possessor of a pair of 'Acmes,' he was accustomed to indulge daily in his favourite amusement. The Turcomans, who are of the strictest sect of Mahomedans, and who are wont to envelop their nether limbs in roomy pantaloons, were at first disposed to regard the exposition of even the male human leg encased in close-fitting integuments with feelings akin to those of the sternest of metropolitan stage-censors; but the Ameer having evinced a keen interest in the sport, curiosity after a time overcame their scruples. On one occasion, when Sir Douglas Forsyth's party were paying a visit to the Governor of Kashgar, my friend skated on the reservoir in his grounds, an object of wonder and admiration, and a ringing cheer broke from the spectators, more than two thousand in number, when accepting a cup of tea he skated away with it, taking an occasional sip without checking his career. The Ameer, on hearing of this, was so pleased that he ordered seven pairs of skates to be made forthwith. The task was entrusted to the most skillful local mechanic, who supplied a very respectable skate with a wooden foot-stock and blade of the best procurable iron. Some young athletes were told off for instruction, one of whom, a mullah (priest), proved an intelligent pupil, and a credit to his instructor." Well, how about that? Bet you didn't see that one coming!

I am all about primary sources when available so as much as I admire the research in Heathcote's book, I turned to the "Autobiography and Reminiscences of Sir Douglas Forsyth, C.B., K.C.S.I., F.R.G.S." to see if Sir Douglas Forsyth himself made any mention of ice skating with the Mohamedan people and sure enough, he did. The diplomat wrote "The intensity of the winter, with a thermometer which for many weeks descended some degrees below zero, and frequently did not mount above freezing point in the sun, prevented us from moving about very freely, but it afforded us a good opportunity of showing to the astonished inhabitants the skill of some and the clumsiness 
of others of our party in the science of skating. Our relations with our good friends the Kashgarians were of the pleasantest nature, unmoved by a single contretemps, and it is with pleasure and pride I record the fact that no single instance of altercation occurred between any of our followers and the people of the country."

In present day in the United Arab Emirates, skaters like Zahra Fadhel Lari have made headlines for figure skating in hijab in competition. Times are changing and figure skating just may be the universal language that in some way brings all citizens of our world together to enjoy the peace of cutting a beautiful edge... and it's heartening to think that skating brought just that very sense of harmony between two very different cultures back in the nineteenth century. As Bob Marley famously sang: "One love, one heart... Let's get together and feel alright..."

Skate Guard is a blog dedicated to preserving the rich, colourful and fascinating history of figure skating. Over ten years, the blog has featured over a thousand free articles covering all aspects of the sport's history, as well as four compelling in-depth features. To read the latest articles, follow the blog on FacebookTwitterPinterest and YouTube. If you enjoy Skate Guard, please show your support for this archive by ordering a copy of the figure skating reference books "The Almanac of Canadian Figure Skating", "Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps" and "A Bibliography of Figure Skating":

Journey From The Past: Skating With The Romanov Family

The 1997 film Anastasia was loosely based on the "legend" that Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia, the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra Fyodorovna (former Alix Of Hesse), in fact survived the execution of her family. I use the words "legend" in quotation as that's always going to be a hotly debated topic - look at the case of a woman who went by the name Anna Anderson who purported to be Grand Duchess Anastasia until her death in 1984. Following an exhumation and DNA testing ten years after Anderson's death, it is now widely believed by scientists and historians alike that Anderson wasn't Anastasia (or Anderson for that matter) after all but instead Franziska Schanzkowska, a Polish factory worker with a history of mental illness. At any rate, the 1997 film, the "legend" of Anna Anderson and the 1918 grisly execution of the entire Romanov family (the last sovereign rulers of Imperial Russia) have remained stories that have kept the Russia Imperial Family in our collective cultural consciousness well into the twenty first century.

Anna Anderson and Grand Duchess Anastasia (side by side comparison)

Preceeding Tsar Nicholas II as Russia's imperial ruler was Tsar Alexander III, the son of Tsar Alexander II. Like Nicholas II, Alexander II was also assassinated while in power. What does this all have to do with skating you ask? I'm getting there. On March 13, 1881, Tsar Alexander II attended a parade at the Michael Riding School and then visited his cousin Grand Duchess Catherine Michaelovna. Warned by his wife Empress Maria Alexandrovna not to follow his usual route home because of possible terrorist attacks, Alexander II took a different route but unfortunately the conspirators aiming to end his life caught on and changed their plans. The blog Unofficial Royalty explains that "Alexander II was riding in a bomb proof carriage, a gift from Emperor Napoleon III of France. As the carriage turned on to the Catherine Canal Embankment, a bomb was thrown. The carriage was damaged and several onlookers were wounded, but the tsar was unharmed. Next, Alexander II made the mistake that cost him his life. Unaware that another conspirator was leaning against a railing about six feet away, he left the carriage to inspect the damage and check on the wounded people, and a bomb was thrown directly between the tsar’s legs. The noise from the bomb was deafening, smoke filled the air, wounded people were screaming, and the snow was drenched with blood. When the smoke cleared, Tsar Alexander II lay mortally wounded, his legs crushed and torn from the blast of the bomb. Alexander asked to be taken to the Winter Palace so he could die there."

Alexander III and Dagmar Of Denmark
Still no skating? What up with that? Grab yourself a cocktail. I'm getting there sweetie. The Russian Imperial Family all poured in - in a state of shock and horror - at the Emperor's deathbed. Among those in the room was Princess Dagmar of Denmark (Nicholas II's daughter in the law), the wife of Alexander III. Dagmar was still wearing her skating costume and carrying her ice skates as she had been planning to go ice skating. After the Tsar Alexander II's tragic death, Alexander III would succeed his father and Dagmar would become Russia's new Empress. Dagmar was actually quite fond of ice skating and dancing and would take to the ice socially quite often. She also enjoyed riding and hunting which socially would have caused quite a stir at the time. It's also quite interesting to note that Dagmar wasn't the only Russian royal for whom ice skating would play an important role in their story: Alexandra Fyodorovna (former Alix Of Hesse) and Tsar Nicholas II went ice skating during the 1889 visit of Alix to St. Petersburg and it was this ice skating date that sealed the deal for the couple. Interestingly, their icy union was heavily opposed by Queen Victoria, who almost lost her beloved Prince Albert in a skating mishap over forty years previous. Was the real reason for Victoria's disapproval that she didn't like Alix going to Russia or had ice skating left a superstitious bad omen in the Queen's mouth? In the end, it didn't matter. Nicholas II and Alix married and passed on their love of skating to a third generation of Russian royals. Grand Duchesses Anastasia and Olga took to the ice themselves!

Grand Duchesses Anastasia and Olga ice skating

Less than twenty years after the execution of the Romanov family, Juri Scheljabuschski would release "Katok", a crudely animated but absolutely delightful Berlinale film that no doubt drummed up interest in ice skating amongst the Soviet people in between World War I and II. The Soviet Championships in figure skating had only been held beginning in 1920, and during that period, skaters like pairs team Maria Laskevich and Igor Vonzblein, Yuri Zel'dovich, Ivan Bogoyavlenski and Tatiana (Granatkina) Tolmachevawould hold court in skating circles. I like to think that the Romanov family that met their tragic end and the imperial rulers that preceeded them would look down on these pioneers of figure skating in their country and smile. The Soviet and Russian stronghold in skating all started somewhere... and perhaps in some small way it was all inspired by a country looking up to the example of their leadership.

Skate Guard is a blog dedicated to preserving the rich, colourful and fascinating history of figure skating. Over ten years, the blog has featured over a thousand free articles covering all aspects of the sport's history, as well as four compelling in-depth features. To read the latest articles, follow the blog on FacebookTwitterPinterest and YouTube. If you enjoy Skate Guard, please show your support for this archive by ordering a copy of the figure skating reference books "The Almanac of Canadian Figure Skating", "Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps" and "A Bibliography of Figure Skating":