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#Unearthed: Notes On Ancient Bone Skates

When you dig through skating history, you never know what you will unearth. In the spirit of cataloguing fascinating tales from skating history, #Unearthed is a once a month 'special occasion' on Skate Guard where fascinating writings by others that are of interest to skating history buffs are excavated, dusted off and shared for your reading pleasure. From forgotten fiction to long lost interviews to tales that have never been shared publicly, each #Unearthed is a fascinating journey through time.

This month's 'buried treasure' wasn't merely buried in a stack of old books - it indeed pertained to something buried in the ground. Dr. Robert Munro's piece "Notes On Bone Skates" appeared in the twenty eighth volume of the "Proceedings Of The Society Of Antiquaries Of Scotland", published in Edinburgh on March 12, 1894. Dr. Munro had worked as a General Practititioner in Kilmarnock for many years but had retired in 1886 to focus his energy entirely on archaeological research and writing. He later lectured on Prehistoric Archaeology at Edinburgh University.

I have included both of the original sketches included in Dr. Munro's article as well as a few other illustrations that he mentioned, which appeared in other works of the Victorian era.


As, in a syllogism, the conclusion is necessarily involved in the premises, so, in archaeology, every general inference must depend upon the accuracy of the observed facts. More especially is this the case when the problem at issue is of a complex character, such as the determination of the range of a given group of objects in space and time.

The contradictory opinions enunciated by archaeologists in regard to the period when bone skates were used, justify the following attempt to define their position in early European civilisation with greater precision than has hitherto been done. Accordingly, I shall ask your attention while I take a rapid survey of the circumstances in which so many of these primitive implements have been found.

During the summer of 1888 I visited Holland, mainly for the purpose of making inquiries as to the nature of certain remarkable mounds called Terpen, irregularly scattered over some of its low-lying districts, more especially Friesland, which in recent times have been found to be rich repositories of the industrial remains of the earlier people who inhabited the country. As I have already published an account of those mounds from an archaeological point of view, I need not now occupy time by repeating details which, however interesting, could only be regarded as preliminary to the subject of this paper. One observation only I must ask you to bear in mind, viz., that they are the debris
of ancient marine pile-dwellings which nourished, at least, from the time of Pliny down to about the 12th century. A few years ago agriculturists discovered that the contents of these terpen were possessed of highly ammoniacal properties, which have been since utilised as guano.

For this purpose the terp at Aalzum, one of the largest in Friesland, was being excavated at the time of my visit, and so I took the opportunity of examining it, under the guidance of Mr Corbelijn Battaerd, Conservator of the Leeuiearden Museum. It seems to be an essential law in this part of the world to submit all antiquarian objects collected in the course of the excavations to the authorities of the Museum before being offered to outsiders, so as to give the former an opportunity of acquiring whatever articles may be considered of national interest. On this occasion the workers - a number of men and women - produced their little hoards for the inspection of Mr Battaerd; and after he had
picked out certain objects for the Museum, I selected a few portable things, which, on my return home, I presented to the National Museum in Edinburgh. Among these relics was the bone skate here represented (fig. 1).

It is formed of the metacarpal bone of a horse, and is highly polished with use on one side. It measures 9 inches in length, but, with the exception of a small hole at one end, shows no marks by which it could be attached to the foot. There was at the time of my visit a small collection of similar skates in the Leeuwarden Museum; but since the terpen have been so largely excavated, bone skates have become too common to be of much antiquarian value. In looking over the list of objects acquired for the Museum during the year from October 1889 to October 1890, I find notices of 15 bone skates. The largest (characterised in the Proceedings of the Friesch Genootschap as extraordinarily large) was found in a terp at Bilgaard, and measures 11 inches in length; the shortest is only 4 inches in length. Their average length is about 9 inches. Three are described as having a hole at one end; one as being greatly worn by use; and four as fragments. In the following year the addition to the collection of bone skates was less, being only ten - one pair of them having been found in the walls of an old building in Leeuwarden.

In East Friesland mounds similar to the terpen are called Warfen, and among the industrial remains disinterred from them are also bone skates. One, "in einem Warfe bei Grimersum gefunden," is figured by Dr. Tergast in a small work entitled "Die Heidnischen Alterthumer Ostfrieslands". This author, however, considers that such objects were used as polishers, and describes them as "Knochen, an einer Seite polirt, zum Glatten des Gewebes." 

The late Dr Lindenschmit figures two bone skates... one from the museum at Hanover, and the other from the museum at Leiden. The origin of this latter example is supposed to be more precisely penned by adding the words "gefunden in einem Grabhiigel bei Oosterend in Friesland." Dr. Lindenschmit also states that similar objects had been found in the provinces of Zeeland, Utrecht, and Geldern. Baron van Breugel Douglas, in an article on the debris of ancient hearths in Friesland, read at the International Congress of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology held in 1869, at Copenhagen, thus refers to bone skates exhibited in the Museum of Northern Antiquities: "Avant de finir je me permets de faire a M. le Directeur du Musee des Antiquites du Nord une observation sur des objets qui se trouvent dans une des vitrines de la XV" salle (moyen-age). Ce sont des os droits et polis d'un c6te et perfores aux deux bouts d'un trou, connus en Prise comme les patins des anciens Prisons. Je pense que ces objets doivent etre place's dans le premier flge de la classification adoptee, celui de pierre, qui contient aussi d'autres objets en os, aussi bieii qu'eii corne ou en aretes. Je sais bien qu'on s'en est servi encore dans des temps postieurs, mais ce fait ne decide pas la question de 1'Sge dans lequel ils doivent etre place's. A mon avis, c'est celui de leur invention."

Dr. Conwentz, director of the Provinzial-Museum in Danzig, informs me that there is one bone skate in the archaeological department of this museum. The specimen was found in the bed of the river Motlau, within the town, and is well preserved. Bone skates are among the relics found on several of the lake-dwellings in North Germany. The settlements in the Persanzigersee and in the Dabersee, both of which were contemporary with the Burgwalle, have yielded a few specimens associated with other relics described as of Slavish origin. Another specimen, figured in my Lake-Dwellings of Europe , was found on the Pacwerkbau, in the Kownatkensee, East Prussia. It is about 9 inches long, and presents a flat surface, highly polished by use. Among the other industrial objects from the same locality, exhibited in the Prussia Museum, Konigsberg, were a small stone axe, a worked flint (ibid.,
Nos. 12 and 13), and some pottery, ornamented with finger and string-marks (Schnurornament).

Herr von Schab figures a bone skate from the lake-dwelling in the Lake of Starnberg, Bavaria (Keller's Swiss Lake Dwellings, 2d. ed., pi. clxxxii. fig. 36 and p. 593). The assortment of relics from this settlement, deposited in the Archaeological Museum at Munich, seems to me to contain stray objects from different civilisations. A horse-shoe with six nail-holes, two iron spears, and a remarkable iron knife of large size (Lake-Dwellings of Europe, fig. 37, No. 1), together with some worked objects of bone and horn (ibid., fig. 36, No. 26), undoubtedly belong to a later age than that of the actual lake-dwellers. There is a tradition that the island was originally the site of a heathen temple and a sacred burying-place, which became subsequently appropriated by the Christians, and used by them for similar purposes. Some countenance is given to-this tradition by the fact that the workmen, when digging the foundations of the present royal residence built on the ruins of an old ecclesiastical establishment, came upon sepulchral remains of a mixed character - early mediaeval, Roman, and prehistoric. Among the heterogeneous debris of humanity collected in the "trouvaille de Toszeg" in Hungary, now recognized to be analogous in structure to the terremare of North Italy, there was an object thus described in the Catalogue d'exposition prehistorique, 1876,—" Un ostroue aux deux bouts ayant peutetre servi de Patin."

Another locality said to have yielded a bone skate is the lakedwelling at Moosseedorf, near Bern. This statement is of some consequence, because if the object can be authenticated as a genuine relic of the inhabitants of that settlement, we will be compelled to relegate the origin of bone skates back to the pure Stone age. The bone skate reputed to have been found on this station is figured in Keller's Lake Dwellings of Switzerland (PL cl. fig. 6), and described as follows:  "One of the uses to which the long bones of animals were applied is singular. This figure is the sketch of a skate made out of the long bone of a horse. It is between 10 and 11 inches long. On one side it has the natural appearance of the bone, but on the other there is a fiat polished surface, nearly 9 inches long and about half an inch wide. There are no perforations in the bone, but there are two incisions in front and two projections behind, which would allow of its being fastened to the foot. This specimen was first published by Messrs Albert Jahn and Dr Uhlmann in 1857 (Bern), and subsequently in several other quarters." It may be remarked that no notice of this bone skate has appeared in any of Keller's original reports on the Pfahlbauten, nor in the first English edition of his works published in 1866.

The most interesting group of antiquities in which are bone skates largely represented is that collected on the ruins of the ancient town of Birka in Sweden. The explorations made on the site of this town
are of great archaeological value, inasmuch as they illustrate that most famous period of pretohistoric times in Scandinavia known as the Viking period. The complete monograph on this great "find," which I understand is in the course of preparation by Dr. Stolpe, is not yet published. The following extract from the guide to the National Museum at Stockholm, where the relics are preserved, will, however, sufficiently explain the circumstances for our present purpose: "On the island Bjorko, in Lake Malar, stood the town of Birka, celebrated for its trade, and also for its being the first place where Christianity was preached in Sweden. The northern end of the island is almost completely covered with barrows, as well as three-sided, four-sided, and 'boat-shaped' arrangements of stones. The number of such graves visible above the surface of the ground is over 2000, and their number has evidently been greater. Numerous other graves, containing burned bodies, are not distinguishable above ground through mounds or arrangements of stones. It follows that during the latter part of the heathen period the island had a very numerous population, and the site of an ancient town can also be distinguished. Along the N.W. coast of the island stretches a cultivated field, more than 20 acres in area, known in common parlance as 'Svarta jorden' (the black earth), the soil of which consists of a compound of charcoal, ashes, and sand, with quantities of animal bones imbedded therein, together with ancient objects of all kinds. The investigations made by Dr Stolpe since 1871 have brought to
light that the charcoal and ashes came from the hearths of the inhabitants whose houses were built here, and that the bones were the remains of their meals." Dr. Stolpe then goes on to describe the objects found in those different cemeteries, far too numerous and varied to be here even mentioned.
He shows that the graves containing unburned bodies were those of the inhabitants of Birka, who had been converted to Christianity by Ansgar and his followers. The relics collected on the site of the town itself, i.e. in the " black earth," consisting of a vast assortment of implements, weapons, ornaments, fabrics, coins, food refuse, &c., &c., are then briefly enumerated. The entire collection from Birka gives a vivid picture of the social life of the period, and particularly of the inhabitants of that nourishing town, from its rise in the middle of the 8th century down to its final destruction about the middle of the 11th century. Among the miscellaneous objects from the "black earth" are bone skates, two dozen of which I counted in the Birka collection when I last visited the Stockholm Museum, a couple of years ago. But these are merely specimens, and by no means represent the entire number collected. Dr. Stolpe, in an address delivered to the members of the "Congress International d'Anthropologie et d'Archeologie prehistoriques," on 13th August 1874, long before the entire excavations were completed, thus refers to the bone skates: "En hiver, quand la glace recouvrait la surface du lac, on la parcourait sur des patins confectionnes d'os de boeuf ou de cheval, principalement les os du metacarpe et du metatarse et parfois le radius. Pres de 300 patins pareils decouverte pendant les trois dernieres annees, temoignent de la vivacite des commtmications sur la glace du Malar. Ces instruments de locomotion paraissent avoir ete tout aussi diligemment employes par les adultes que par les enfants. On se sert encore aujourd'hui de patins identiques dans plusieurs de nos provinces." (Compte Rendu, p. 625).

In corroboration of Dr. Stolpe's statement, as to the survival of the custom of using bone skates to recent times, I may mention that specimens of them may be seen in the ethnological collections in Stockholm, one of which is engraved in the guide book to the Northern Museum (fig. 82). I also saw some bone skates in the public museum at Visby, in the island of Gotland, in regard to which the curator remarked that he himself in his earlier years had actually used similar skates.

Let me now direct your attention to facts gleaned nearer home. In the year 1866 General Fox-Pitt-Rivers described, at the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, remains of pile-buildings exposed by workmen while making excavations for the foundations of a modern building near the site of a portion of the old London Wall. Here, in a bed of peat 7 to 9 feet thick, intervening between the accumulated rubbish of modern London and a bed of waterworn gravel, were found decayed wooden piles associated with the debris of kitchen middens and a large assortment of industrial remains. The vast majority of the articles collected are undoubtedly of Roman workmanship, but amongst them were others of a ruder character, such as implements made of bone and horn, among which were two bone skates, thus described by the author of the paper above referred to: "With them were also found the two bone skates on the table; they are of the metacarpal bone of a small horse or ass, one of which has been much used on the ice. Exactly similar skates also of the metacarpal of the horse or ass have been found in a tumulus of the Stone period at Oosterend in Friesland; a drawing of them is given in Lindenschmit's Catalogue of the Museum at Mayence, &c. Others have also been found in Zeeland, at Utrecht, and in Guelderland, and there is a specimen in the Museum at Hanover. Professor Lindenschmit attributes all these to the Stone period, but the specimens on the table are evidently of the Iron age, the holes in the back having been formed for the insertion of an iron staple. Similar skates have been found in the Thames, but they have not hitherto been considered to date so early in England as in Roman times."

Mr. Roach Smith, in describing a bone skate found at Moorfields, in the boggy soil peculiar to that district, makes the following remarks: "A large number of similar skates have been obtained, not only from this locality, but also from various parts of the city. Fitz-Stephen, who lived in the time of Henry II., in describing the sports of the citizens of London, says: 'When that great moor, which washeth Moorfields at the north wall of the city, is frozen over, great companies of young men go to sport on the ice,' &c. After enumerating the various modes of sliding, he continues: 'Some are better practised to the ice, and bind to their shoes bones, as the legs of some beasts (tibias scilicet animalium), and hold stakes in their hands, headed with sharp iron, which sometimes they strike against the ice; and these men go on with speed, as doth a bird in the air, or darts shot from some, warlike engine.' .. . In Bishop Percy's Translations of Runic Poetry, skating is alluded to as being one of the accomplishments of the North, of the highest character. Harold, in the poem called his Complaint, says : 'I know how to perform eight exercises. I fight with courage ; I keep a firm seat on horseback; I am skilled in swimming; I glide along the ice on skates; I excel in darting the lance; I am dexterous at the oar; and yet a Russian maid disdains me.'" ".. . In the twenty-fourth table of the Edda skating is thus spoken of:' Then the King asked what that young man could do who accompanied Thor? Thielfer answered, that in running upon scates he would dispute the prize with any of the Countries. The king owned that the talent he spoke of was a very fine one...'  Olaus Magnus speaks of the skate as being made of polished iron, or of the shank-bone of a deer or sheep, about a foot long, filed down on one side, and greased with hog's lard to repel the wet.

My friend Herr Worsae of Copenhagen informs me that skates of bone similar to those in my possession have been found in Holland, in Scandinavia, and particularly in the southern part of Sweden. He also refers to a very curious passage in one of the old Scandinavian mythological songs, in which it is said that Oiler, or [Ullr], god of the winter, runs on bones of animals over ice. Formerly skates of bone were used in Iceland. Indeed, it appears evident that they were in general use in all parts of the North of Europe. I have been informed that they were not entirely superseded by the steel skates in London at the latter part of the last century " (Collectanea Antiqua, vol. i. p. 167).

Three bone skates are engraved in the Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute (1848), in respect of which the following remarks are made: "Skates formed of the leg-bone of a small horse or other animal, discovered in Lincoln. One side was shaved off, presenting a smooth, flat surface, and in
some examples there is a transverse perforation through one end, doubtless to pass a strap, and at the other end another, in a lengthwise direction, which might receive a peg or hook, for the purpose of attachment to the foot." One of the relics of this nature exhibited was of greater length and weight
than is suitable for such use, and possibly was used with some kind of sledge, or as a "runner," to facilitate the removal of a boat; it was found in 1848, near an ancient canoe disinterred in forming the Great Northern Railway at Stixwold Ferry." (Lincoln Vol., p. xxxii.)

Two of the above objects are now in the National Museum of Edinburgh ; also three other bone skates dug up in Moorfields, London. The two from Lincoln which are here represented (fig. 2), are described in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland as follows (vol. vi. p. 314):—
" Ancient bone skate, 9 inches in length, one extremity being cut to a point. It was found, at a depth of 70 feet, in the parish of St Peter's, at Arches, Lincoln. Another specimen, measuring 14 inches in length, pierced with a hole at each extremity. Found in 1848, at Stixwold Ferry, near Lincoln."

In the Museum at York there are a few skates exhibited which are thus referred to in the Handbook:
"Ancient skates, formed of the leg-bones of horses, polished on one side. They are frequently found in York, as at London and Lincoln, and were probably introduced into England by the Danes." These are all the materials I have been able to collect on the subject, but I daresay they might be considerably increased by a more careful search among old documents and in local museums. I do not, however, think that any additional data so gleaned would materially alter the conclusions pointed at by the facts I have laid before you. The function of a skate assumes the existence of a climate capable, of producing ice of sufficient strength and duration to afford scope for the practice of this mode of locomotion. Hence, the climatal-element would alone restrict their distribution, whether in past or present times, to the northern and colder regions of Europe. But .the geographical area of ancient bone skates, as revealed by the discoveries above recorded, seems to me to be more limited than that which climate alone demands. Thus in Britain they have been found only in a comparatively small district extending along the eastern shore-land from York to London. This is merely the western fringe of the area of their geographical distribution, which, as we have seen, embraced Holland, Denmark, the lower portions of Scandinavia, and North Germany. But before disposing of the significance of this point, it will be necessary to inquire into their distribution in time.

Probably the pastime of skating is more prevalent now than at any former period in the world's history, so that the discontinuance of bone skates does not mark the death of a custom, but merely the substitution of a more suitable material than the animal bones which had originally served for this method of locomotion. Nor is there any exceptional interest attached to the gradual abandonment of these primitive skates more than to any other of the superseded implements of our common industries, such as querns, spindle-whorls, spinning-wheels, corn-hooks, &c. It is more especially at the other end of the chronological chain marked out by the appearance of bone skates on the field of European civilisation that their archaeological interest lies. While their dying-out stage has lingered on in some quarters almost to the present day, the facts bearing on their origin, so far as hitherto correlated, leave the question, both as to time and locality, in the greatest doubt. Dr. Lindenschmit, as already mentioned, includes them among prehistoric objects of the Stone age. In support of this view no less than four of the above recorded instances of discovery might be cited with some show of plausibility, viz., the grave-mound at Oosterend in Friesland, and the lake-dwellings of Kownatken, Starnberg, and Moosseedorf. The suggestion that the perforated bone found in a terramara in Hungary was a skate, rests on too slender a basis to be taken into account.

We will now examine seriatim the circumstances in which bone skates have been found in those four localities, with the view of showing that not one of them can be fairly accepted as a genuine product of the earlier civilisation with whose remains it had become associated. That the bone skate figured by Lindenschmit came from a gravemound at Oosterend we have no evidence except the bare statement. I do not, however, question the bona fides of this statement, either on the part of Dr/ Lindenschmit or of the discoverer of the object; but I cannot help thinking that the so-called Grab-hugel was nothing more than a Terp-liiigel. At that time the nature of the terpen was not known, and it is quite natural to suppose that an artificial accumulation of earth, containing a novel object of human workmanship, would be unhesitatingly considered as a burial-mound. Oosterend is situated a few miles south-west of Leeuwarden, in a district abounding with terp-mounds. Such a locality, liable to be overrun with the tides prior to the construction of the great dykes which now hem back the ocean, was not likely to be selected by prehistoric man as a suitable place for the construction of a Grabhugel.

The circumstances in which the other specimens mentioned by Lindenschmit were found are not stated, being apparently unknown, so that his Stone-age theory of their origin is founded on one example reported merely on hearsay evidence to have come from a grave-mound. The observations made by Baron van Breugel Douglas, already quoted, would appear to have been founded on Dr. Lindenschmit's opinion. The finding of bone skates on some of the lake-dwellings of North Germany is quite in keeping with the mediaeval character generally assigned to these structures. Nor am I inclined to remove from this category the Kownatken lake-dwelling, notwithstanding that a few articles of the Stone age were found on it. From this circumstance. Professor Heydeck of Konigsberg thinks that the settlement should be relegated back to prehistoric times. But, on the other hand, Professor Virchow, who has paid great attention to the phenomena of Pfahllaufen, ascribes all the lacustrine structures in North Germany to a much later period than their analogues in Switzerland. "Ich denke," says he, "wir werden uns entschliessen miissen, ganz in Gegensatze zu den siiddeutschschweizenschen Pfahlbauten, die Einfiihrung der nb'rdlichen Pfahlbauten an die Einwanderung des Slavo-lettischen Stammes anzukniipfen."

In declining to accept the suggested prehistoric origin of the Kownatken settlement on the ground of finding a few relics of the Stone age on it, we are supported by evidence derived from various collateral phenomena of an analogous character. A mixture of relics, apparently belonging to the earlier ages, is a feature common to many of the lakedwellings of Ireland and Scotland. "We might with equal logical consistency argue that the Lochlee crannog was founded in the Stone age, because among its relics were a stone axe and a flint scraper. But, in this case, such a conclusion would be absurd in face of the fact that in the same relic-bed, and almost in the very same spot where this stone axe lay, there was also an iron knife (see Ancient Scottish Lake-Dwellings, p. 147). And moreover, the very wooden structures which formed the foundations of the crannog, ,and consequently preceded the use of all the relics, bore unmistakable evidence of having been fashioned with, iron tools. In regard to the Rosen Insel, in. the Lake of Starnberg, there can be no doubt that a pile-settlement of the Bronze age flourished here, but, as already explained, the locality continued to be occupied by successive races up to the present time, so that in the absence of any positive evidence to show that the bone skate belonged to the earlier inhabitants, its discovery does not legitimately carry us back beyond the later period.

Only one other bone skate, labelled prehistoric, remains to be explained away, viz., that from the lake-dwelling at Moosseedorf. This settlement is one of the most typical of the Stone age in Switzerland, and has yielded a large assortment of relics characteristic of that period, but none of the later ages, so that it appears to have come to an end prior to the Bronze age. Moosseedorfsee was a small lake which became frozen over every winter, and thus afforded special facilities for skating. What, therefore, could be more probable than that, at any subsequent time, some person, enjoying the pastime of skating, would drop one of his skates over the site of the lake-dwelling? We must remember that after the destruction of the settlement not a vestige of its wood-work would remain above water to prevent such an occurrence at any time during the last two thousand years. The bone skate from Moosseedorfsee is thus not only an isolated and stray object among the lacustrine antiquities of Switzerland, but, so far as I know, nothing of the kind has ever been found in any station of the Stone or Bronze age in Europe. Its presence among the relics of the primitive lake-dwellers at Moosseedorf seems to me pretty much on a par with the finding of an exploded gun-cartridge at the bottom of a prehistoric cairn. From these facts and observations, I am of opinion that we have no trustworthy evidence in support of the theory that bone skates were overused in prehistoric times in Europe. On the contrary, they appear to have been invented by the early Teutonic races who inhabited the shores of the Baltic, and to have been introduced into Britain by the early immigrants who hailed from these regions, possibly the superfluous inhabitants of the Terpen.

As a corollary to this discussion, let me observe that it is always of importance to archaeologists to be acquainted with the special characteristics of any well-marked civilisation. If this conclusion as to the origin and distribution of bone skates be well founded, their discovery in a pile-structure in London, notwithstanding that they were associated with objects undoubtedly emanating from Roman sources, may have a determinative significance on the nature of these remains not hitherto sufficiently recognised.

P.S.— Since writing these notes I have had an opportunity of seeing a few more bone skates. In the Naturliistorisches Museum, Vienna, there are five or six examples from Bohemia. Two of these were found associated with objects which, in the opinion of Dr. Moriz Hoerness, might be regarded as bordering on prehistoric times. The others have a more recent appearance, and are probably products of mediaeval times. In the National Museum at [Budapest] are several metacarpal bones of the horse or ass, shaped and perforated like bone skates, but none of these objects presents a polished surface, and it is possible that they may have been used for a different purpose. One specimen in the Joanneum Museum at Graz is clearly of recent origin, but it has no history. —R. M.

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The 1947 North American Figure Skating Championships

Headline from the 1947 North American Figure Skating Championships

William Lyon Mackenzie King was Canada's Prime Minister; Harry S. Truman was America's President. Though World War II had officially ended a year and a half prior, Canadians were still feeling the effects. Food rationing had only just ended a six months prior and shortages of building supplies like steel, tin and lumber did little to alleviate a growing housing shortage. Perry Como, Dean Martin and Frankie Carle and His Orchestra topped the music charts and the cost of a box of Corn Flakes was twenty-three cents.

The year was 1947 and on March 28 and 29, some of the best figure skaters from Canada and the United States gathered at the Minto Skating Club's rink on Waller Street in Ottawa to compete in the North American Figure Skating Championships. In 1943, the biennial event had been cancelled altogether and in 1945, only a women's competition was held, owing to the number of men who were either actively serving in the military or just returning to civilian life. The 1947 event marked the first time since 1941 that the men's and pairs events were contested. There were no fours entries, but ice dance was introduced to the line-up for the first time.

Advertisement from the 1947 North American Figure Skating Championships

The North American Championships were the final big event of the season in 1947, held after the World, Canadian and U.S. Championships... and hosting the event was a huge deal for the Minto Skating Club. The organizing committee, overseen by Melville Rogers, Norman V.S. Gregory and Dr. J. Alan Priestman, worked tirelessly to ensure the competition was a success. The Club was given a deep clean and decorated to the hilt. When the skaters and officials arrived, they were given silver tea service in the comfortable lounge that overlooked the rink. At the conclusion of the event, a buffet supper and dance was held at the clubhouse at the Lansdowne Park racetrack. The Club's professional, Sheldon Galbraith, kicked off the second day of competition with demonstrations of school figures and jumps and Canada's Governor-General, Harold Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis, was on hand to present trophies and medals to the skaters. The level of skating in Ottawa that March certainly met the level of care put into the competition's organizing. Let's take a look back at how things played out!


American figure skaters Yvonne Sherman and Robert Swenning
Yvonne Sherman and Robert Swenning. Photo courtesy "Skating" magazine.

The agreed-upon rules of the North American Championships at the time allowed for three entries per country, with a fourth from either or both countries permitted, subject to approval of the Organizing Committee. The pairs event, however, only had four entries - two from Canada and two from the United States. 

Canadians Suzanne Morrow and Wally Distelmeyer delivered a difficult and well-matched performance to earn first place marks from four of the six judges. Canadian judge Paul Belcourt and American judge M. Bernard Fox had them second and third, and Yvonne Sherman and Robert Swenning first. Sherman and Swenning took the silver and their American teammates Karol and Peter Kennedy the bronze. Winnipeg's Sheila and Ross Smith were in last place on every judge's scorecard. Morrow and Distelmeyer received the highest mark of the entire Championships - a 9.9. Curiously, scores at North Americans were out of 10.0 and both Nationals were scored out of 6.0.

From a historical perspective, the fact that the first ice dance event at the North American Championships was held in Canada is quite interesting. Waltz and Tenstep competitions had been held at the Canadian Championships for years, but the first Canadian dance title was contested just weeks prior. The winners of that event, Marg Roberts and Bruce Hyland, withdrew from the Ottawa event because Bruce had to undergo an emergency appendectomy. The only other Canadian couple entered, Joyce Perkins and William de Nance Jr. of Toronto, were cut from the competition in a preliminary elimination round. Ice dance simply wasn't as popular in Canada at the time as it was down in the States. The Silver Dances were skated at the request of the Canadian organizers.

The finals of the ice dance events had four teams, all of them American. Lois Waring and Walter 'Red' Bainbridge, the newly crowned U.S. Champions, were the unanimous choice of all six judges. The 1946 U.S. Champions, Anne Davies and Carleton Hoffner Jr., were unanimously second. Marcella May Willis and Frank Davenport of the St. Moritz Ice Skating Club took the bronze, ahead of Renee Stein and Sidney Moore of Los Angeles. 


The men's school figures were a grueling test of patience and concentration that took eight hours to complete. After all six figures had been traced, seventeen year old Dick Button of Englewood, New Jersey had a one hundred and eighteen point lead over Norris Bowden. America's Johnny Lettengarver was third. As figures counted for sixty percent of the score back then, unless Button bombed in the free skate he had the title in the bag.

Headline from the 1947 North American Figure Skating Championships

Dick Button gave an outstanding performance in the free skate, but was somewhat upstaged by his fifteen year old teammate Jimmy Grogan, who earned a thundering round of applause from the capacity crowd of six thousand. Grogan's performance moved him all the way up from near the bottom to second. Wally Distelmeyer also gave an excellent show, moving up to take the bronze. Norris Bowden dropped to fourth; Johnny Lettengarver to fifth. Two other Canadian entries, Roger Wickson and Gerrard Blair, rounded out the field of seven. In his book "Dick Button Skates", Button recalled, "I found relief from the nervous atmosphere of competition by loosening my skates and playing the piano while waiting my turn to perform."


Photograph of Barbara Ann Scott and Dick Button, Olympic Gold Medallists in figure skating
Barbara Ann Scott and Dick Button. Photo courtesy "Skating" magazine.

Seven talented skaters competed in the women's event in Ottawa, but there were two notable absences. The first was Nadine Phillips of Toronto, a three time medallist at the Canadian Championships, had planned to compete but tragically died at the age of nineteen on February 24. The second was Gretchen Van Zandt Merrill, the bronze medallist at the World Championships in Stockholm and reigning U.S. Champion. The organizers hadn't received word as to whether or not Merrill was entering until about a week prior to the event. The Canadian press, who'd just assumed she was competing, had already printed articles about a showdown between her and Barbara Ann Scott. When it was learned she hadn't sent in an application, they reported that she was scared of going up against Scott. In reality, she'd planned to take a vacation to California after the U.S. Championships all along.

Fresh off her victory at the World Championships in Ottawa, eighteen year old Barbara Ann Scott was the heavy favourite at her home rink, where she trained for seven hours a day. She'd placed sixth at her first North Americans in 1941 and won the 1945 title in New York City at the age of sixteen. Twenty one days before the event began, she was famously gifted a canary colored chromium four-door Buick convertible with the license plate '47-U-1' by the City Of Ottawa. She ultimately had to return the roadster to Mayor Stanley Lewis that May to keep her amateur status, after Avery Brundage (the chair of the U.S. Olympic Committee) informed the IOC and press. Though the controversy over her gift hadn't yet become a news story when the event in Ottawa began, there were already grumblings that 'the Americans' were out to get Scott, paving a clear path for Gretchen Van Zandt Merrill to win Olympic gold in St. Moritz in 1948.

Headline from the 1947 North American Figure Skating Championships

To the surprise of no one and delight of her coach Sheldon Galbraith, Barbara Ann Scott executed near-flawless figures to earn a one hundred and twenty five point lead over her closest rival, Bud Wilson's pupil Janette Ahrens from St. Paul. The conditions weren't ideal. The ice was hard and the rink cold, but it was a heck of a lot better than skating outdoors. In "Skating" magazine, Minto Skating Club member Patricia Kennedy wrote, "There was little applause as the large group of spectators watched each figure carefully, and the silence seemed broken only by the rattle of the overhead wire heating the 'toaster' - Minto's device for removing old tracings during a competition."

Headline from the 1947 North American Figure Skating Championships
North American figure skaters Wally Distelmeyer, Suzanne Morrow, Barbara Ann Scott, Dick Button, Lois Waring and Walter 'Red' Bainbridge
Top: Headline from "The Windsor Star" celebrating Barbara Ann Scott's win. Bottom: (Left to right) Wally Distelmeyer, Suzanne Morrow, Barbara Ann Scott, Dick Button, Lois Waring and Walter 'Red' Bainbridge. Photo courtesy "Skating" magazine.

Barbara Ann Scott expanded her lead by over thirty nine points in the free skating, dazzling the audience alike with her blue lamé dress, blurred spins and big double jumps. The judges unanimously placed her first. Janette Ahrens settled for silver, ahead of Yvonne Sherman, Suzanne Morrow, Eileen Seigh, Marilyn Ruth Take and Shirley Lander. Eileen Seigh gave one of the best free skating performances of the night, and the Ottawa crowd - showing their impartiality - booed the low marks given to her by one of the Canadian judges.

Skate Guard is a blog dedicated to preserving the rich, colourful and fascinating history of figure skating. Over ten years, the blog has featured over a thousand free articles covering all aspects of the sport's history, as well as four compelling in-depth features. To read the latest articles, follow the blog on FacebookTwitterPinterest and YouTube. If you enjoy Skate Guard, please show your support for this archive by ordering a copy of figure skating reference books "The Almanac of Canadian Figure Skating", "Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps" and "A Bibliography of Figure Skating": https://skateguard1.blogspot.com/p/buy-book.html.

Ice Dance History Is Compulsory

Photo courtesy City Of Toronto Archives

"The compulsory dances are to the ice dancers what the scales of the piano are to the pianist. That's where you learn good technique and that's where you practice the basics." - Tracy Wilson

Though it's been over a decade since a full compulsory dance has been skated in an ISU Championship, compulsory dances play both an important part in ice dancing's history and future. Many of the sport's great champions were first introduced to the discipline by learning the steps of the Dutch Waltz, Canasta and Baby Blues... and until 2010, all of ice dancing's greatest champions showed off their finest footwork in complex compulsory dance patterns. 

When ice dancing was first introduced at the World Championships in 1950, couples had to perform no less than four compulsory dances, along with a free dance. In those days, dances were drawn from four groups: waltzes, foxtrots, fast dances like the Paso Doble or Quickstep and slower dances like the Tango or Blues. Interestingly, when ice dancing was first introduced at the Olympic Games as a demonstration event in 1968, couples had to skate a three and a half minute free dance, an Original Set Dance (precursor to the OSP) and no less than five compulsories! Two couples skated each compulsory dance at the same time, starting at opposite ends of the rink. 

1946 "Ice Skating" magazine article by Erik van der Weyden, inventor of the Westminster Waltz

By the luck of the draw, certain compulsory dances were skated at major events far more than others. The Argentine Tango and Paso Doble were skated at the World Championships more than fifteen times. The following tables highlight each compulsory dance's selection at the Winter Olympic Games and World Championships and the highest scoring compulsory dances skated under the IJS System.

Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean's Blues at the 1994 Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer


Three compulsory dances are missing from this listing. Through reports and discussions with former competitors, it was determined that 2/4 of the dances in 1963 were the Quickstep and Argentine Tango and 3/4 dances in 1967 were the Rocker Foxtrot, Tango and Paso Doble.

Compulsory Dance

Winter Olympic Games

World Championships


(dance not used)

1955, 1959

European Waltz

(dance not used)

1957, 1959

American Waltz

(dance not used)

1950, 1954, 1955, 1966


1976, 1980, 1988

1953, 1964, 1965, 1968, 1978, 1980


(dance not used)

1950, 1951, 1955, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1967, 1969, 1971


(dance not used)

1951, 1954, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1968

European Waltz

(dance not used)


Argentine Tango

1968, 1998

1952, 1953, 1957, 1959, 1963, 1964, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1983, 1989, 1993, 1995, 2000, 2008


1992, 1994, 2002

1954, 1962, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1975, 1979, 1982, 1985, 1987

Rocker Foxtrot

(dance not used)

1950, 1952, 1953, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1970

Viennese Waltz

1976, 1988

1953, 1958, 1960, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1969, 1971, 1979, 1982, 1985, 1988, 1992, 2000

Paso Doble

1968, 1984, 1988, 1992

1950, 1951, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1975, 1981, 1984, 1986, 1990, 1999, 2009


1968, 1976, 2002

1952, 1954, 1955, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1977, 1988, 2002



1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 1991, 1995, 1997, 2001, 2007

Westminster Waltz

1968, 1984

1951, 1952, 1956, 1968, 1970, 1975, 1981, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1993

Silver Samba

(dance not used)

1970, 1996, 1998

Starlight Waltz

1968, 1980, 1994

1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1994

Yankee Polka

(dance not used)

1979, 1982, 1985, 1987

Ravensburger Waltz


1977, 1983, 1991, 2006

Tango Romantica

1980, 2010

1978, 1980, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2001

Austrian Waltz

(dance not used)


Golden Waltz


1997, 1998, 2002, 2010

Cha Cha Congelado

(dance not used)

(dance not used)


(dance not used)

(dance not used)

Midnight Blues

(dance not used)

2004, 2005

Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon's Rhumba from the 2007 World Championships


Compulsory Dance

Winter Olympic Games

World Championships

European Championships

Four Continents Championships

Argentine Tango

(dance not used)

Isabelle Delobel and Olivier Schoenfelder – 40.73 (2008)

(dance not used)

(dance not used)

Paso Doble

(dance not used)

Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin – 40.77 (2009)

(dance not used)

(dance not used)


(dance not used)

Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon – 38.96 (2007)

(dance not used)

(dance not used)

Yankee Polka

(dance not used)

(dance not used)

Isabelle Delobel and Olivier Schoenfelder – 41.25 (2008)

Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir – 38.22 (2008)

Ravensburger Waltz

Barbara Fusar-Poli and Maurizio Margalio – 38.78 (2006)

Albena Denkova and Maxim Staviski – 38.46 (2006)

(dance not used)

(dance not used)

Tango Romantica

Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin – 43.76 (2010)

(dance not used)

Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin – 42.78 (2010)

Tanith Belbin and Benjamin Agosto – 38.23 (2006)

Golden Waltz

(dance not used)

Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir – 44.13 (2010)

Tatiana Navka and Roman Kostomarov – 44.19 (2005)

Tanith Belbin and Benjamin Agosto – 44.00 (2005)


(dance not used)

(dance not used)

Jana Khokhlova and Sergei Novitski – 37.43 (2009)

Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir – 36.40 (2009)

Midnight Blues

(dance not used)

Tatiana Navka and Roman Kostomarov – 45.97 (2005)

(dance not used)

(dance not used)

Skate Guard is a blog dedicated to preserving the rich, colourful and fascinating history of figure skating. Over ten years, the blog has featured over a thousand free articles covering all aspects of the sport's history, as well as four compelling in-depth features. To read the latest articles, follow the blog on FacebookTwitterPinterest and YouTube. If you enjoy Skate Guard, please show your support for this archive by ordering a copy of figure skating reference books "The Almanac of Canadian Figure Skating", "Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps" and "A Bibliography of Figure Skating": https://skateguard1.blogspot.com/p/buy-book.html.

Figure Skating And The Queen

Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip on their first Royal Visit to Canada
Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip on their first Royal Visit to Canada. Photo courtesy Nova Scotia Archives.

In 1947, Barbara Ann Scott made history as the first Canadian figure skater to win both the European and World title. Dubbed 'The Queen of the Silver Blades', Barbara Ann made her triumphant return to Canada aboard the Cunard liner Queen Elizabeth, named after Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth (later The Queen Mother). Later that year, The Queen Mother's daughter Princess Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten were married at Westminster Abbey in London. 

Barbara Ann Scott aboard the RMS Queen ElizabethPrincess Elizabeth
Left: Barbara Ann Scott aboard the RMS Queen Elizabeth. Photo courtesy Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec. Right: Princess Elizabeth. Photo courtesy Toronto Public Library, from Toronto Star Photographic Archive. Reproduced for educational purposes under license permission.

Seventy-nine days after The Royal Wedding, Barbara Ann Scott made history again in Switzerland as the first Canadian figure skater to win an Olympic gold medal. In London, enroute home to Canada, she received an urgent message to call Canada House immediately. Her Mother telephoned and was told that Princess Elizabeth had invited them to a private audience at Buckingham Palace.

Newspaper clippings about Queen Elizabeth II's ice skating lessons in her youthNewspaper clippings about Queen Elizabeth II's ice skating lessons in her youth
Clippings from the "Framlingham Weekly News", "Western Mail"

Barbara Ann and The Queen talked about horseback riding and ice skating - interests they both shared. They were both accomplished equestrians and The Queen had learned to skate as a young girl on the balcony rink at the Park Lane Ice Rink at Grosvenor House in London. In her book "Skate With Me", Barbara Ann recalled, "We went into her sitting room, with a nice fireplace, and she came through the door opposite us. She walked over and shook hands. We, naturally, curtsied. I was so interested to see what she really looked like, having seen many photographs. The photographs certainly don't do her justice at all because she is perfectly exquisite, a lovely person with very pink-and-white skin and large, deep blue eyes, a beautiful smile, and the most interesting and prettiest soft voice I've ever heard... She dressed much as we do - she had on a yellow tweed suit. We stayed with her for about a half hour. It was a wonderful thrill to meet someone I had read about, seen pictures of, and heard about for so long... Then to find out she was so sweet, so nice! And that wasn't all. The Queen had read in the newspapers that I wanted to see the gifts and the dress. She requested an aide to show us through. We went to St. James's Palace and walked through those magnificent rooms. There were so many gifts, every kind you can imagine. The Princess even had a cookbook. I was amazed. She and the Prince had been given pairs of skates and boots. There were vast quantities of beautiful furniture. I was allowed to lift some of the gold trays; they were very heavy. All her jewels were on display as well as clothes, hats, furs, crystal and chinaware - great rooms and rooms full of presents. Her dress was in a glass case. It was all white satin embroidered in pearls with gold leaves. There were satin slippers and the veil. The bridesmaid's dress that Princess Margaret had worn was also in the case. They were both perfectly beautiful."

Her Majesty The Queen's Coronation in 1953
Her Majesty The Queen's Coronation in 1953. Photo courtesy City of Toronto Archives.

For her entire seventy year reign as Queen of the United Kingdom and The Commonwealth, The Queen served as the Royal Patron of Great Britain's National Skating Association and its successors National Ice Skating Association and British Ice Skating. It was a tradition that dated back to 1881, when the Prince of Wales (later His Majesty King Edward VII) accepted an invitation to be the National Skating Association's Royal Patron.

During Queen Elizabeth II's reign, five British skaters won Olympic gold medals. Jeannette Altwegg was the first, just seventeen days Elizabeth was proclaimed the monarch. As Great Britain was in a national period of mourning, Jeannette wore a black armband honouring His Majesty King George VI. On the recommendation of Sir Winston Churchill, Jeannette was invested by The Queen as a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) at a ceremony in Buckingham Palace in 1953. The British Olympic Gold Medallists in figure skating that followed were all honoured similarly by Her Majesty: John Curry (OBE, 1976), Robin Cousins (MBE, 1980) and Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean (MBE, 1981; OBE, 2000).

Clipping about Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's connections to the sport of figure skating
Excerpt from "Skating World" magazine, 1953

In the years following her Coronation, Elizabeth II made several trips to Canada, including a whirlwind forty-five day tour that saw her visit every Canadian province and territory in 1959. Barbara Wagner and Bob Paul, the reigning Canadian, North American and World Champions, were invited to dine with Her Majesty and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh during The Royal Tour.

Her Majesty The Queen and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh during their Royal Tour of Canada in 1959
Her Majesty The Queen and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh during their Royal Tour of Canada in 1959.  Photo courtesy City of Toronto Archives.

World Champion Frances Dafoe was a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002 for her services to skating. Bernard Ford, a four-time World Champion in ice dancing who taught a who's who of Canadian skaters, was inducted as a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) in 1969. Jean Westwood, another World Champion from Great Britain who left an indelible mark on Canadian skating, was presented to The Queen as well. 

Her Majesty The Queen and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Her Majesty The Queen and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.  Photo courtesy Toronto Public Library, from Toronto Star Photographic Archive. Reproduced for educational purposes under license permission.

In 1982, Olympic Silver Medallist Liz Manley (then the silver medallist at the Canadian Championships) was one of a number of "young achievers" selected by a local Liberal Member of Parliament to attend a special dinner with Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Liz was seated at the table next to The Queen and was introduced to her afterwards. In her autobiography "Thumbs Up!", she recalled, "The dinner was wonderful. I was seated at table 3, right in front of the Queen's table. I had a clear view and was fascinated by her - she was more beautiful than she looks in photographs, with a flawless skin and very clear blue eyes. After dinner, Prime Minister Trudeau accompanied the Queen as she moved through the guests. When they got to me, he introduced me to her, and she gave me one of her rare dazzling smiles. It was an evening I shall remember forever."

Prime Minister Brian Muloney, Her Majesty The Queen and Canadian figure skater Kurt Browning
Prime Minister Brian Muloney, Her Majesty The Queen and Kurt Browning. Victor Pilon photo.

Kurt Browning had the honour of meeting Her Majesty at a concert in Calgary in the spring of 1990, shortly after winning his second World title in Halifax. She congratulated him on his skating successes to which Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, who was accompanying her, interjected and said, "Yep! Taught him everything he knows!" Kurt later recalled, "The Queen looked totally bewildered by this. I wanted to laugh, but I didn't think it would be acceptable under the circumstances... There used to be an aerial photograph of the family farm hanging on the wall above the kitchen table. Today, there's a shot of me, Mom, Queen Elizabeth and the Prime Minister, who taught me everything I know." Five years later, another Canadian skating great, Elvis Stojko, won a gold medal at the first World Championships held in Great Britain during Queen Elizabeth II's reign.

Her Majesty The Queen with Don and Barbara Jackson
Her Majesty The Queen with Don and Barbara Jackson. Photo courtesy Rideau Hall.

On October 14, 2002, World Champion Don Jackson had the privilege of meeting Her Majesty in Ottawa. Don recalled, "She came for a visit to Canada in honour of her Golden Jubilee and hosted a beautiful luncheon at Rideau Hall. One Canadian representing each year of her reign was invited with their spouse to join her.  I was honoured to be her choice for 1962. We were all presented to her and had a chance to chat individually with Her Majesty and Prince Philip. They were charming! After that the luncheon was held in the ballroom of Rideau Hall followed by time outside in the garden for a meet and greet and a royal tree planting. An incredible day and lifetime memory for myself and my wife Barb. I was given the official group photo with Governor General Adrienne Clarkson as a keepsake. We were personally saddened to hear of Queen Elizabeth's passing. She was a remarkable woman."

The Queen's resiliency, dedication and ability to embrace change are all admirable qualities that have served as an inspiration to figure skaters for decades. May she Rest In Peace.

Skate Guard is a blog dedicated to preserving the rich, colourful and fascinating history of figure skating. Over ten years, the blog has featured over a thousand free articles covering all aspects of the sport's history, as well as four compelling in-depth features. To read the latest articles, follow the blog on FacebookTwitterPinterest and YouTube. If you enjoy Skate Guard, please show your support for this archive by ordering a copy of figure skating reference books "The Almanac of Canadian Figure Skating", "Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps" and "A Bibliography of Figure Skating": https://skateguard1.blogspot.com/p/buy-book.html.

Rest In Peace Her Majesty The Queen

Don't Go Bacon My Heart: The J.F. Bacon Story

American figure skating pioneer John Franklin J.F. Bacon of Boston

"In the primitive age, when skates consisted of pieces of bone bound to the feet with strips of hide, figure skating could hardly have reached the dignity of an art; but the light, strong and keen-bladed skates of recent years have made the possibilities of execution almost without limit." - John Franklin Bacon, "Outing" magazine, 1902

The son of Emeline (Sherman) and John Favor Bacon, John Franklin Bacon was born September 29, 1857 in Boston, Massachusetts. The Bacon's - John, his parents and brother Harry - grew up in a modest home on Washington Street. John's father worked as a carpenter and ship joiner to make ends meet, and when John was a teenager he began apprenticing as a watchmaker and jeweler in Cambridge. During the long winters, he took to Spy Pond in Arlington to skate. Though he received no formal instruction, he became obsessed with the intricacies of the craft and quickly developed a reputation as one of Boston's finest 'fancy' skaters.

American figure skating pioneer John Franklin J.F. Bacon of BostonAmerican figure skating pioneer John Franklin J.F. Bacon of Boston

In 1888, John travelled to New York City to compete in a figure skating competition held at Fleetwood Park. He lost that competition to Frank P. Good and George Dawson Phillips, but was undeterred. Enroute to a victory at the Championships of America on February 22, 1893 over Herbert S. Evans and Thomas Vinson (Maribel Vinson Owen's father), John claimed the New England 'fancy' skating title. His 'secret weapon' during this period was the fact he had laid claim to a private seventeen by twenty three foot rink in Boston, giving him "a great deal more practice than any of his opponents who weren't similarly equipped."

19th century special figures in figure skating

Baron Nils Posse, one of the judges at the latter competition, was quite critical of John's skating. Quoted in February 26, 1893 issue of "The New York Times", he remarked, "Bacon relied more on acrobatic feats, such as spread eagles, rather than upon legitimate figure designs... There is about as much sense in marking a man up for turning handsprings on the ice in a figure skating contest as in crediting for spread eagles or shooting ducks... Bacon's [figures] were ragged and small and made on spots that had previously been used, so that they did not show up well... Bacon has a bad habit of watching his feet too closely... [Herbert S.] Evans, with a little more practice, could make a good showing with the best skaters in Europe, but [I] would not risk Bacon with them."

American figure skating pioneers John Franklin J.F. Bacon and George H. BrowneAmerican figure skating pioneer John Franklin J.F. Bacon of Boston
Left: George Henry Browne and John Franklin Bacon at the Cambridge Skating Club in 1928. Right: Etching of John Franklin Bacon.

Unlike many of his contemporaries, John was more interested in the athletic side of free skating than carving out figures or waxing poetic about skating's artistic possibilities. His specialities were spread eagles, shoot-the-ducks and two foot whirls.

American figure skating pioneer John Franklin J.F. Bacon of Boston
American figure skating pioneer John Franklin J.F. Bacon of Boston

George Henry Browne remarked, "When one sees a skater like Mr. Bacon of the Cambridge Skating Club - American champion, 1893 - who in his field skating is almost never on his balance, whose movements are vigorous and rapid, whose arms and unemployed leg swing with rhythmic precision, who can spin like a top and fly like a bird, yet can hardly tell you how he does it all - though he, too, has perfect control of his edge - one sees the balance style and the swing style admirably adapted to the American conditions of small curve skating." John recognized that "in no sport is greater stress laid on good form than in figure skating", but chose to sacrifice form for athleticism. His biggest tricks may have only been waltz jumps and upright spins, but his athletic style stood out at a time when many free skating performances were particularly stoic and methodical.

American figure skating pioneer John Franklin J.F. Bacon of Boston
American figure skating pioneer John Franklin J.F. Bacon of Boston
American figure skating pioneer John Franklin J.F. Bacon of Boston

After his competitive victories in 1893, John joined the Cambridge Skating Club. Arthur M. Goodridge recalled, "J. Frank Bacon was at the Club a lot... with silver plated skates that had been given him with his name engraved on them. He was a small man - shorter than Mr. Browne - and he always brought his tiny skates wrapped up in chamois in a little mahogany box." When the club established the first skating tests in America, John served as one of the judges. He went on to judge many other American skating events during the first decade of the twentieth century.

On February 22, 1908, John participated in the first demonstration of figure skating in the Continental or International Style at the club, alongside Irving Brokaw and Karl Zenger. His performance wasn't in the Continental Style, but rather in the American 'fancy' style that had been most popular at the time he won the Championships of America. He later remarked that at the time he viewed the Continental Style as nothing more than "exaggerated posing", but that his views had "undergone quite a change."

John Franklin Bacon's counter cross cut grapevine figure

Advertisement for John Franklin Bacon's watchmaking shop in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Top: John Franklin Bacon's counter cross cut grapevine figure. Bottom: Advertisement for John Franklin's shop in Cambridge.

When he wasn't skating, John could be found at his shop in Porter Square or at meetings of the North Cambridge Business Men's Association. He worked as a jeweler and watchmaker for some fifty years. He married Elizabeth Ward in 1900, and the happy couple took up residence on Mystic Valley Parkway in Medford City. They didn't have children. During The Great War, John briefly managed an ice rink converted from a roller rink in Albany. He passed away on December 19, 1932 in Medford City at the age of seventy-five, his legacy as one of Boston's first great champion skaters obscured by the sands of time.

Skate Guard is a blog dedicated to preserving the rich, colourful and fascinating history of figure skating. Over ten years, the blog has featured over a thousand free articles covering all aspects of the sport's history, as well as four compelling in-depth features. To read the latest articles, follow the blog on FacebookTwitterPinterest and YouTube. If you enjoy Skate Guard, please show your support for this archive by ordering a copy of figure skating reference books "The Almanac of Canadian Figure Skating", "Technical Merit: A History of Figure Skating Jumps" and "A Bibliography of Figure Skating": https://skateguard1.blogspot.com/p/buy-book.html.