In 1987, the New Zealand Ice Skating Association celebrated its fiftieth jubilee with a wonderful historical document written and published by Rhona Whitehouse. In it, I was fortunate enough to read a deliciously obscure yet fascinating account of the country's very FIRST National Championships which were held in July of 1939 at the Manorburn Dam in Alexandra "on a magnificent icefield covering sixty acres and extending two miles and a-half." A description of the scene taken from the July 23, 1939 edition of the Otago Daily Times sets the scene quite descriptively: "A more picturesque setting could hardly be imagined. From the rocky crags forming a natural grandstand, the spectators looked across a basin of sun-drenched ice, on which, between events, about 1,000 skaters wove an animated pattern full of colour, the skates flashing in the sun. On the brown slopes above were grouped the 300 cars, trucks and other vehicles which, with the help of taxis, brought most of the participants to the scene, the remainder arriving on bicycles or on foot. It was a perfect day, and the refreshment booths did a roaring trade in hot pieces and saveloys." Keep in mind, of course, that as New Zealand is in the southern hemisphere, the seasons would of course be inversed and June through August would serve as the country's winter. Winters would be a hell of a lot more seasonable than we would be used to here in Canada. We're talking a high of sixteen and a low of seven Celsius so pretty balmy compared to what I am used to here in the winters to say the least. The weather was noted as particularly mild even for the locale and time of year so the ice on the flooded field was not as thick as usual. The Otago Daily Times noted that "uncertainty as to when the ice would be bearing prevented a larger entry from the north, but there was a high standard of performance. The Central Otago skaters were too good for the visitors."
The onset of World War II in 1939 meant that these National Championships of New Zealand would prove to be the last until 1946 but the very humble beginnings of skating in a country you don't always associate with winter sports serve as a reminder that every story starts somewhere and builds from the ground up.
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